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  Temat: Senior NT elections discussion


Our NT are capable of anything there is none team that is better tahn us we are all the same and with the right tactics we could be the champions ;) Who would i like to play against is Latvia because they have got a very strong side and if we beat them than we are just really good and that means a lot! :)


I think a strong PG and C are going to be important. Having a tall, skilled centre dominating the area below the net will be important I think.
Basketball is a sport where having one beast of a player will make more of a difference than in other sports due to the small number of players on a team. Depending on the types of player we have, it may be beneficial to build a team around playing a certain way. A beast of a centre would lead me to want to play for 2 pointers all the time whereas if we had strong point and shooting guards, playing for 3 pointers would probably be the way to go.
Communication between NT manager and other users will be critical to finding out the skills of players so that the best selections are made, otherwise you end up selecting players based purely on their overall ability, and as mentioned before, they could have been trained poorly and therefore not be as effective.
As we won't have good scouting departments ourselves yet it makes it even more imperative that we communicate with managers of potential NT players


I must agree but there is only us lot in this conversation we really need to attract some other managers so that we get more of the very important support for the NT manager who of looks will be RossP so I don't really care who is the manager of NT just if they try their best and listen to others!


I think this thread should live on whoever the manager is, so that we can build up interest in the NT and its results, and keep in touch etc. Match reports / after match analysis too.

I'm a bit surprised there are some 20 votes out there, but none have posted a question here before casting their vote!


As always, the trouble is that no-one reads the forums. I guess whoever wins the election will have to contact the top UK managers to get some buy-in and support, not to mention player profiles (it would take till Christmas to scout all the possible NT players, for me at least).

I should say, though, I don't particularly have a question to ask but I have been reading this thread with interest before voting. Whether anyone else is reading or not - who knows?!


It would be good if a group of uk managers could work together to help with nt stuff including longer term development of the next wave of players. The more managers investing in sports academies the better :)


we need to invite everyone from our league to this thread so everyone actually asks a question about the manager so they are sure on which ever they want to vote for. so basically the best one will win :)


To a lot of people though, the NT scene doesn't really affect them. They log in, manage their team, then log back out. Not everyone cares about supporting the national team. That's obviously fine and is their choice but the more people that we can get interested, the more we can all contribute to the success of the NT. Whether that be by helping out scouting potential players, keeping tabs on good drafts across the leagues each week, or contributing ideas regarding tactics, the more people that are interested in the NT the better it can be


Agreed, hopefully those (few) of us who are active on the forums can persuade some others to get enthusiastic and contribute.

Also, well done on your election victory RossP, congrats on being our first ever NT manager!


Thanks for the votes guys. The hard work will start now but if you have any players that are over 350 overall and think they might be able to contribute to the NT, drop me a message with their stats please. It'll save me a lot of time moving forward :)
If yo can also include the match rating they achieve in games too please, that would help.
I'll start a thread up in the actual NT forum later for the actual Team rather than using this general discussion thread


I have posted a new thread in the 'National Teams' section of our forum for a more detailed discussion on our NT and its future. Please have a read and feel free to contribute


RossP i was just wondering does those players hav to be 350 or over overall because i think i have got some capable players under 350 overall


we are won world cup :D O:)


By all means if you think they're good enough, let me know and i'll have a look.
Looking at the player rating stat might be a better indicator. If they achieve 27+ then they are worth looking at. The best i've found for the NT so far are a couple of 30 ratings.


basketball.powerplaymanag... lol? :|

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