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  Temat: National Cup


Honestly, I'd like to see just a straight up bracket, no reseeding.

The high seeds get the benefit of playing the low seeds the deserve by being better teams in general, but if the low seed wins, they get the reward of taking over what in theory is an easier road through the tournament.


that is what i want to. Beating a top team should reward the lower team big time with "easier" schedule. I just don't think its fair a lower team to have to constantly have to beat top teams to advance.


Handball season 3 *cough* *cough*


What you accomplished is amazing but I think it should've be easier for you once you beat the first top team. I just dont think its fair. Often lower teams give up earlier as they know its very hard to beat several good teams. Meanwhile top teams keep playing dead or easy teams.


Yeah that's what I mean. If the system you mentioned had been in place I would have had a much easier time after my first victory against a top team.


Had to close at work last night because I got called in, then had to open at work this morning, so I forgot to change my National Cup tactics. Aaaaand I'm out. Boooooo.


So stoked to be in the round of 16 in basketball. Probably will be my only chance to win it in many many seasons. So different from making last season in handball just to lose to a I.I team( Inter Melon)


Still makes me laugh that the only II.1 team still in is in 13th place in the league. Go Gunners.


Turns out that I drew that team aha. Hopefully the team plays the way it has during league than it has during national cup


Anyone else find it interesting that not a single team from league 1 is in the final four?


cause there is no difference on players from D1 and other leagues and teams are pretty equal (other than a very few exceptions)

Next season d1 will be a bit stronger but still open for anyone. Season 3 D1 teams will start to have an edge but still open.

season 4 anyone winning other than D1 (and some d2) would be an underdog winning it.

note: not cause the current D1 are "awesome" but cause awesome teams from D2 and D3 will be in d1.

I probably wont be in d1 due to my strategy for the first few seasons


I can't wait to finally hear what your strategy has been;)


My strategy is always the same. Win. Which kinda sucks atm.


My strategy reminds me of a five-year-old playing soccer for the first time. Run around in circles, trip over the ball, then score in your own net but celebrate like you just won the lotto.


trip over the ball? score? wow!!!! you are a super star. At 5 i was happy to just touch the ball lol. i would run and run and run and never touch it ;)

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