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  Temat: Football Youth Pulls


only if can donate me some money ;) Building a team on D3 isnt easy ;) Wish I had the same money you guys earn. I bet it is a lot.


My daily expenses are 3M. I live on loans :(


Without investing anything (new players or facilities) I could have a daily expenses of 2.6
And that is without considering my brand new stadium. If I had that from start of the season I could have 2.7

It is hard to believe you really need to live on loans now that you are on first division ...

Not sure of all your investments for this season, but building 2 10k triple floor is a lot of money.
Those are 160M. So even if you picked a load to build those, you would have to be able to make enough to pay it back your loan.

With 86 days on the season, 3M a day is 288M

Considering you spent that much money on stadium and I guess spend on other things , your income cant be less than 450M so far. That makes 4.7M per day of income. That would make 3x more than I make.

In short, I think you qualify to donate me some ;)


DAT math!

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

How do you have 2.6 million per day in expenses while still in division 3? I have a ton of overpriced staff and players but only have daily expenses of 1.8 million/day (2.2 if I factor in the daily average of my loan, which I am about to pay off).

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

I don't know if you can assume he earns as much per day as he spends. He also might have had the 160 million left over from last season; you can't necessarily assume he earns 160 million more than his expenses. He earned about 33 million from player and staff sales and could have demolished some structures as some point. He also might be upgrading rather than building new triples.


Because I am still heavily building the team.
100M on construction.
70M on loan
20M with recently players' purchase to compete on D2.

well, part of those 20M invested on players will be returned when I sell a few earlier next season.


lol, I am not assuming anything ... just trying to have some fun chatting "pushing" him to reply ;)

boards are too quiet. trying to get something to talk about.


but one thing I'd really want to know how much money people earn on D1 and D2 from sponsors.

part of this I will know in a few days ;)

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

I guess I was just using a different calculation than you were. Using the average of the expenses from my whole season, my expenses are 3.4 million per day.


yeah, because he mentioned his loan on his expenses ... without loan I have 2M per day.

My hope is that, at D2 I will get much more money from sponsors as I am building on turtle speed for my taste

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

You should already be able to calculate your average ticket price and attendance (for league games and for exhibitions). You could probably figure out your expected attendance by finding similar teams with similar stadiums in D2.

As for sponsors, there is a thread for reporting offers from sponsors as well as the thread on making money. My own team makes about 14.5 million per week.


my stadium revenue i already calculated and making my plans for next season based on my current sponsor money. so anything i earn more will be plus.

I was hoping I was going to earn 15M or so per week BUT knowing you are near the top of the league I bet I wont earn that much. So I am now guessing 12M/week.

I earn 9M/week now on general+media

I know my media will get a boost and will get something from VIP.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

I've gotten at least 1 million more dollars per week per year by upgrading my Human Resources and Economic Department by at least one level per year. In fact, apart from the money I waste on player, I've been making upgrading my economic department my first priority (though I've shifted to improving my stadium since the start of this season).

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

I wasn't counting money from games in my number. Including my average income from games per week (keeping in mind that part of my stadium has been in construction the whole season), I make 17 million per week.

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