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  Temat: Arena enhancements


Hey guys,

Which arena enhancements do you think are worth it? The press box, for sure, same with the skybox. But what about the snack joints? The restaurants? The fan shop? Does the fan shop ever pay back the cost to set it up?

And on a higher scale, how about the ice quality, parking and those others?

What do you think?


They're all worth it. My concession sales net me between 350 and 400k per home game this season, obviously it scales with arena size.

As for the car park, scoreboard Ice quality, lighting and sounds, Build them if your arena isn't filling out every game. Their only purpose is to increase attendance, if you're already filling your arena then there's no reason to upgrade. If your arena isn't selling out, then they are a quick and efficient way of helping you do so.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

If you look at my arena right now, you will see that I have 2 large stand-up sections (250) with 6 medium stand-up (200). The medium section being much less expansive on daily expenses, I was wondering if it was worth it for me to switch to more large stand-up sections. The only gain being 50 more people in the arena every game, I don't think it is worth it money wise, so the real question is wheter or not I should do it for the press center. I have 2 (one there and one under construction atm) as it stands. Is there some serious benefits to having more?


have to agree with charred, all are worth it.
if i build a section i max it.

one exeception i look at though is ice quality and lighting. if i loose an opportunity due to ice conditons ... i fix it, now... if you don't provide the best conditons for your players, how can you accurately determine your build ? .

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Basically go Large 250s then Triples. I spent money on my rink and only my rink for 3-4 seasons and in 2.5h I'll have it maxed out. It is well worth it when you not only can make 8M/game but also have a media sponsor that is worth more than your general.


So are you saying go straight from Large Standup to Triple-Floor? How are we supposed to afford the $38-81 Million price tag? I realize that going in stages costs morein the long run, but wouldnt it take too long to build up enough money?

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Initially yes, but with each expansion comes more media sponsor money. It's hard. Real hard. Took me, like I said, 3-4 seasons of only spending cash on my rink. Axed all staff and everything went towards my rink. The shitty part is I have a major gap in my prospect pool but money will be flowing. How much do you make per week? What are your expenses like?


i built my triples with my season ending money+ playoff money + biggest loan i could take. also had to use a few weeks of sponsor money. took a few seasons but this yer i think i will be building a maxed out triple. or perhaps two triples.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada Boba Fett

When would you recommend starting a triple in regards to building facilities? I'm a month away from my 10th training, and my other facilities are lower than that. I'm thinking I should wait another season until I worry about building a triple, but I'm not sure if that would be best.

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

I agree. Level 12 or so in my opinion. I waited until I had 12s and 13s.


I agree with Canucks on the progression. You want to build Large first as they're the first level with a press box which is quite nice.
Following that, I built only triples. I'm about to build my 4th one as soon as the sponsors are done. I build the lowest level of triples for now. Each build takes 100 days. The best time to build one is at the very beginning of the season. It will then be ready in time for your sponsors.

A basic triple is only 33 millions and it will quadruple the amount of seats of your large stand. Once you have your triple, adding new seats is faster and you won't waste your money by building and replacing your stands.


Thanks for the advice. Yeah, if I can pull around that amount per game, it would be worth it. I'll just start my 4th triple and then start investing in my current stands.

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

1,000 triples are fine. Only issue there is you lose 50 days worth of ticket revenue when you upgrade to 2,500.

Dino Barnabé

And how much do you have to pay for the upgrade ? The difference between 38M$ and 81.5M$ (43.5M$)? The manual doesn't say much about it.


Yes, you only pay the difference, 43.5.
Canucks, How long does it take you to build a max seats triple? 150 days? My point is by doing the construction like I'm doing, I can weave it in between sponsorship deals. And 50 days is nothing after that for another 1500 seats. It can easily be planned for during a season and be ready in time for negotiations.

But I agree with you, I would not bother with any other types apart from large standing and triple.

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