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  Temat: Pro Pack features


and to add to the reason why people get bored and quit ... Playing in a league with 4 active players is not really very challenging specially when we play for 112 days in that environment.

how teams get promoted and relegated as well on how new managers get to start the game must be reviewed to keep it interesting.


An amount of real money charged for an in-game bonus or boost meets my definition of pay to win. I have no problem paying for a pro pack and supporting the game, but giving in-game bonuses in exchange for real money is not what this game is about.

The current options for money involved time-saving features and customizable graphics for uniforms, stadiums, etc. The value of those options may or may not be worth the price for any individual user.

As for allowing new users to compete with teams that have been around for a while, the PPM team has made changes that have made it easier for new teams to gain ground on established teams. I think there could be some improvement here, but it is important to remember that the USA community is not a dominate market for this site. We currently represent 1.5% of hockey managers and 1.0% of soccer managers. So any suggestion you have should take that information into account.

An early issue that many managers had objections to was incentives to stay in a lower division. Giving a quality bonus to teams in lower divisions would provide (another) incentive to try to stay in a lower division. I should mention that the quality of players pulled from a sports academy is an independent variable. The only way to increase your chances of pulling a high quality player is to pull more players (by upgrading your Sports Academy and/or sporting directors).

The aspect of playing with a bunch of no-name teams is the cause for occasional realignment of leagues. This will be the 2nd (if I'm not mistaken) realignment of hockey leagues in the USA community.


I know about realignment, but in soccer for example i still ply against a bunch of nonames. I dont think realignment (i guess i would say a "manual" process) is the answer. they have to come up with something that would not need then to think what leagues they would want to realign but in a new promotion/relegation that would do it by itself at the end of the season.

As example, there are currently 19 dead teams on USA soccer D2. Almost enough to have an entire new league of active D3 managers in there!!!

here is the current list
D2: 19 dead/nonames
D3: 93 nonames/dead
d4: 20 nonames/dead
total : 132 nonames/deads currently

this is worth 6 leagues!!!!

My suggestion: At the end of season top overall team rating D3 teams take the spot of dead/noname teams from D2 the same way it is happens in this "manual" process.

d3 teams get moved to other divisions so we have each division with the best players

example for D2: top 42 OR teams do go ii.1, the next 42 to ii.2 and so on.
same for D3.

That way we would always have competitive divisions and new managers would likely to always start in a competitive way too.

so in short, a team does not really gets promoted to new League, but new division.

can still have the promotion by winning the divisions the same way it does now but as the League would be rearranged by Rate the D3. winners would likely all play in D2.4

and this process would happen only in the 2 lowest leagues . just like the "manual" process.

the thing is, instead of hoping and wishing at the end we will be somehow rearranged, the system would be made to actually always make it happen and we all get to enjoy competitive matchs.

Again, this is just an idea


It's a good idea, but I'd prefer smaller countries to have fewer divisions per league level. Instead of 4 II leagues, we could have 2. Instead of 16 III leagues, we have 4. That would put more active teams in each league. It would also spread out the talent, so it would be harder to move up. A new team would play more competitive seasons before reaching I.1 and realize that the Force are unstoppable.

PPM lacks a middle ground for smaller countries. It's too easy to go from new team to I.1, but then there's no way to catch the top teams. So you get stuck being too good for II, but not good enough for I.1. And there's nowhere to go and nothing to do except slowly build facilities. With more league levels, you would have to slog your way from IV or maybe even V.

Of course this wont happen. It would require too much work and only helps the smallest countries. And it might even be impossible without rebuilding the whole game. I don't know. But I think it would be a lot more fun, especially for a new team.


I think that's a great idea. The fewer divisions per level the greater the competition.

Nicholas Alexander

My biggest peeve about the pro pack is I lost my coustom jersys. I mean I understand giving the people who pay an advantage but to take away something that doesnt affect the outcome of games seems pointless to me. also my jersys were awsome and the thing I was most proud about in this game

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