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  Temat: New Prospects


Daaang, McDonald's low shooting makes him a better G candidate, but his G attribute is way low. I see you trained only passing which was the right thing to do, but he's a bit too far out to be a worthwhile project for me. It's really sad when the qualities have such a stupid distribution xD


yea I already have another almost exactly the same and I cant stand centers with no shooting.


Following your roster for the past couple of seasons I thought a decent 6/6 LW must've eluded you for you to be intrigued. He has an okay starting overall and that's probably his main market draw.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

Yeah that's true. I'm fine with a low attribute, when it's made up from other attributes. In this case, with a 2nd low attribute, I find the overall growth level to not be quite what I look for on the market. I might keep such a player if he came from my academy, mostly in hope that the CL holds up.


Daaaang I just got a 4.5 star goalie AND defenseman (4 star everything else) 6/6 player out of the academy! O.o
Sadly I gotta wait 55 mins before he joins the team :( Will post stats as soon as I get them tho. OR was 363 I think, so not amazing at this stage of the seasion, but definitely not so late that I can't turn it around!

I need to do a spring clean-up with all these players, tho xD

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

You had me all excited to see what was under the tree for me. Nothing. Disappointing. Let us know what you got!


OK, my scouting is usually pretty accurate so I don't think this will change much

Goa 28 82
Def 66 83
Off 47 77
Sho 53 94
Pas 66 94
Tec 44 92
Agr 69 83

This is a bit disappointing... Awesome qualities for secondary attributes for sure, but not having a 90 in either primary attributes is a bit of a letdown, I won't lie :(

The slightly lower agr quality is making me want to lean towards making him a goalie, but it also does feel like a shame to squander that shooting/spread for a defenseman. LDs are also a bit more of a pain to find, too. Decisions, decisions.

I also got a 4-star 6/6 center with 384 OR on the side. (it's rare that I don't default a player to center due to low-shooting, haha)

Goa 21 62
Def 30 70
Off 94 97
Sho 59 81
Pas 62 88
Tec 59 53
Agr 59 67

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

Funny that you think LDs are more rare. I have had the exact opposite experience for a long time already. I currently have 5 LDs on my starting lineup. Only 2 RDs (1 more RD developing) and 1 UD (+1 developing).

Especially when I look at those who have a lot of potential. I think I have 3 stars/future stars in Lo, Cowan and Vinnai. 2 solid guys in Amlinger and Borges. That side is overflowing. RD only has 1 future star, and that's if the CL holds up.

I see your point about the players' distribution of attributes being a little disappointing. They are good prospects, but maybe not the stars that they looked like they may be.


That's interesting, most of my good D prospects have always been R, and probably 40% of them have been UDs. LDs have always been harder for me to find.

In my current prospects, I have 3Ls, 6 Rs and 5Us (and the 2 older Ds I keep around for training camps are both Us)


New Pull: Sadly 5/6 357 OR

Gavyn Christie


Def: 90

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada loraxx

I have a solid center prospect on the market for anybody interested in “keeping him canadian”. I’m selling him because I’m well endowed down the middle and could use the cash.

Zacharia Dawe
15 y/o

OR : 367
OFF Q: 87
SHO Q: 94
PAS Q: 95
TEC Q: 91

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