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  Assunto: III.2


Hello all. Good luck.


Thank you!


First season as a manager in Football, this should be interesting.


good luck :)


Yes, it is very interesting... I like it more then hockey... Probably because I know more about soccer...


see i am just the opposite.


well so much for the easy games for awhile.


seems like a relatively strong league for D3. Might as well be considering the strength of II.1


Only a little bit halfway through season 5 and while 1st place is just about out of reach it seems like there will be a close race for 2nd place. So I just want to say good luck to the managers of olympia kelp, coconut typhoon, dragonia, and florida panthers. As for the managers of el stuka and 78 fenerbahce I hope you stick around and cant wait to see what yall can pull off in the near future. As for phareux I know this might be early to congrat you on your first league win but statistically I dont see you losing 4 or 5 games the rest of the season. Cant wait to see how the season will end and goodluck to all the active managers :)


I go on to the next round of the cup as the lowest ranked seed after beating the last placed team in II.4

Usuário PRO EUA islander1

This market rule is awful. Looks like I'll suck all season as the game won't let me buy anyone until "manager rank 11".

What a bunch of crap.


yeah, i know it really sucks but you'll learn a bit what players are good and which players are rubbish. Although I just went on a shopping spree after the 11 days :)

Usuário PRO EUA islander1

I already know what players are good and which aren't. It's not rocket science, this game is just a derivative of hockey arena.

There are some intracasies I don't have fully fleshed out yet, but within a day I had 80% of this game figured out.


It won't take you long to get to 11 experience (when you can buy players), depending on if you log in daily or not.

I played hockey arena for a very short time and decided that I preferred PPM (I "discovered" PPM first). The general concept seems the same from what I remember. There's probably some key differences in strategies between the two games, but I'm sure you'll find them one way or another.

You might want to consider upgrading your Arena. Upgrading to 200 seats, from 50 seats, on your benches will only cost 45,000 for each section. For that, you'll get 15,000 more in ticket sales per home league match (assuming a sell out, which you should get with a small stadium). Also, if you upgrade from those at some point in the future (and you should), you'll get 50% of the 45,000 refunded.

Also, the overwhelming opinion of the community is that playing friendly matches on your off-days is better than not playing friendlies. Friendlies use less energy than competitive matches (check the guide for the exact figures) and if you play all of your friendlies on very low intensity you probably won't notice a difference. Your players will also build chemistry and gain experience by playing friendly matches. Winning friendly matches will also increase your OTR by a small amount. Finally, the ticket sales from friendly matches are split between the two teams. If you can find a team with a large stadium that draws a lot of fans, you'll get a nice boost to your cash (given your experience in the game). For example, my last friendly matched netted me and my opponent 110,000 each and my stadium is smaller than a lot of the other stadiums in the USA right now (although I do have some construction going on).

I understand that this advice is unsolicited. Feel free to use it or ignore it. I'm posting it on the forums, rather than via private message, so that other new teams (who may not have sports management game experience) can read/use it as well.

Good luck and if you have any concerns and/or questions about the game, feel free to ask on the forums or private message me.

Usuário PRO EUA islander1

After a 3-1 victory over the 5th place club, The Cosmos are just getting off the virtual canvas a bit now. Lots of work to do, but need a lot more time and money to do it!

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