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  Assunto: II.3


There has to be randomness, even in a sports simulation. Otherwise, as Jiminey said, there would be no reason to play the games, if team A was always going to beat team B.

Anthony Lee

That's not what I'm saying though...



Checkout this game from last years hockey playoffs... Sometimes the best team just doesn't win.

Anthony Lee

Again, I'm not saying the best team should ALWAYS win. But MOST times, THEY DO. You really can't deny that. I mean, what's the point of the team strength numbers if they're not the main influence? They're the main factor in determining which team is better than which. You can see my soccer team - I have yet to beat any team with higher Team Strength than me, as well as hockey. Hence I'm trying so hard to improve that TS number.

As I said in the previous page, it's frustrating to see it turn out like that with the same tactics and situation in those halves with different results, and all that other jazz.


OTS means nothing at this point. Or ever actually. In hockey, would you rather have a team that's 120-100-100-80 or 100-100-100-100 (goalie, off, def, shooting)? I'd take team A in a heart beat. You just need to figure out what's most important in handball.

And if the best team wins most of the time, why do the leafs ever win? or Calgary this season? :p

Anthony Lee

Well, I wasn't actually referring to that OTS number which simply is the average but I guess I generalized the fact that I had much better "numbers" in all categories (off, gk, def) except shooting, by saying I had the better "Team Strength" - I wasn't actually comparing my OTS number against his, I compared my off number to his gk and def numbers, his off vs my def and etc.

I don't know if OTS means nothing at this point in Handball like you said, I mean it HAS to be an influence even right now, wouldn't it? You probably know more about the hidden factors that affect results than me, so it'd be a bit more clear I guess if you're able to clear it up.

Anthony Lee

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean there, are you saying why are the Leafs losing if they are the better team?

I think it's challenging to say which team is better than which in the NHL mainly because of the salary cap unless it's something really clear, but it's certainly not easier than soccer where you could easily say a team like Manchester City will beat a team like Fulham or West Ham most of the time.

I don't know. That's just my whole thought on it. Categorical strength numbers are there, tactics are there, but everyone is saying you can't even predict who's going to win. I could repeat the stuff I said in the previous page but I'm too tired ;)


I could, but those all took careful experimentation by myself. :p Team strength is the average team strength which is the overall team strength. Remember that tactics and energy play as much of a role as team strength. Energy may dictate OTS, but the end of a game where one team has 96 energy, and the other has 84 energy, can't end well for the latter team.

Anthony Lee

I guess I'll have to send my 2nd lineup in the playoffs to get a better chance of winning then.


Good luck to the Caribou in the final, it should be a good one!

Anthony Lee

It's all about energy man, all about energy. ;)


Do the Dogs or Caribou get slaughtered in I.1 next year? :-)

Good luck!


I figured it would be a good series between the Dogs and Caribou... that was EPIC though!!!!!! Away team wins both, games 1 and 2 by one goal. And then for the final to be decided in double OT!!!!

I hope the Caribou promote through the next round, they deserve to be in I.1 with the Dogs!


Wow, that's all I can say. Well played and well deserved win! Best of luck in I.1, hope I can get there too!


that was a really good series between the two of you, I'm still disappointed with my early exit but it's always good to know that II.3 is producing the best of the best, that means go get em caribou, dont forget, that's my spot you're filling. :p

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