Day 1 Average OR and Average AQ:
AvOR - 135.6
AvAQ - 41.6
Anyone else care to share?
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Day 1 Average OR, Average AQ and Average Age:
AvOR - 139.2
AvAQ - 48.2
AvAG - 18.7
The age is a problem here. I don't have a single 17 years old.
AvOR - 139.2
AvAQ - 48.2
AvAG - 18.7
The age is a problem here. I don't have a single 17 years old.
Nor do I. All 18/19 with one 21.
To everyone else:
Can you submit these numbers here:
To everyone else:
Can you submit these numbers here:
Yup, I assumed you had some because I see your average age at 17.7 in the team analysis. Weird.
I see many other teams at 17.x and they don't have any players younger than 18.
I see many other teams at 17.x and they don't have any players younger than 18.
Man. My avOR is atrocious compared to the average. It's soccer all over again...
Got 3 good players, the rest is meh.
AvOR: 135.8
AvAQ: 44.9
for some reason I can't do the tutorial, anyone has that problem too?
AvOR: 135.8
AvAQ: 44.9
for some reason I can't do the tutorial, anyone has that problem too?
Avg OR, 137.1
Avg AQ, 45.7
Seeing other people's teams, this seems middle of the road so far.
Avg AQ, 45.7
Seeing other people's teams, this seems middle of the road so far.
Thanks for posting in the form MiLLw00d. Your team is second worst so far... mine the worst!
@Jiminey: please submit here:
@Jiminey: please submit here:
Fantastic opening day matchups:
Atikokan Caribou vs. The Straight Ballers
Archimedes vs. Royal City Teslas
Magnificent Magpies vs. MTL Nicomachean Ethics
Final Flash vs. Alberta Mustangs
Palm City Handball vs. Ball Hogs
HBC Auteuil vs. Bacterial Infection
Merci vs. IceDogs
Atikokan Caribou vs. The Straight Ballers
Archimedes vs. Royal City Teslas
Magnificent Magpies vs. MTL Nicomachean Ethics
Final Flash vs. Alberta Mustangs
Palm City Handball vs. Ball Hogs
HBC Auteuil vs. Bacterial Infection
Merci vs. IceDogs
Avg OR: 140.4, Avg Q: 47.7
I think I have good luck with some players and good EQs, having 01 in goaltending doesn't hurt if you're not the goalie. Scouting will tell of course.
I think I have good luck with some players and good EQs, having 01 in goaltending doesn't hurt if you're not the goalie. Scouting will tell of course.
First decision as manager: names a 15 year old captain.
Let the critics have their field play, I mean field day. Oops. Handball slip.
Let the critics have their field play, I mean field day. Oops. Handball slip.
Do the younger players have smaller racks?
Caribou racks! Come on! Get your mind out of the gutter. These are boys here not women...
Caribou racks! Come on! Get your mind out of the gutter. These are boys here not women...
My speech to the team:
"Ok men, I'd like you to meet your new teammate. He's way better than most of you lot, and 3 years younger at least. He's probably the only one who'll last more than 2 years here. Oh yeah, he's your captain, so, listen to him and stuff. Caribou!"
"Ok men, I'd like you to meet your new teammate. He's way better than most of you lot, and 3 years younger at least. He's probably the only one who'll last more than 2 years here. Oh yeah, he's your captain, so, listen to him and stuff. Caribou!"
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