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  Assunto: National Team


positional AQ could be a good metric. match ratings vary too much to use, i think. which leaves us with attys. and as everyone has said, atty points are going to vary a lot since and everyone likes their own mix--i prefer more speed, for example. but, in the end, i think atty points are really the only good metric we have right now. match ratings might be used as a secondary metric, though--after the atty scouting. the problem is, low team ability will usually mean low match rating, too. maybe gauge that off a comparison with the rest of the team? hmmm...very problematic...but possible.

who/what we should be scouting and who/what to ignore?


Why not scout the top 5 ovr from every team but 1st make sure the teams manager doesn't already have that done. That way once we do get a manager they have all the players scouted for them.


My guys are all scouted but I think only one of them has a decent chance to make the team, if we end up having one soon.


All my guys seem to be a cut below the creme and are all 5/6 (the good ones at least). Sorry I wasn't active on this forum sooner.
I think the elections should be interesting, there are plenty of managers out there that are talented and very experienced. When considering whom to elect, I suggest looking at the team they play with. They may not have built their team up that well, but they overcome that handicap with tactics.
I had to skip through a bit of this forum. Can't wait for the offseason!

...wait, this thread has been inactive for 2 months!!!! WTF?


Since national teams got pushed back another season, there's not much to talk about yet. I haven't pulled any real superstars either, my center forward Christian Davidson is the best one so far, but I know there's some stiff competition at that position. My goalie Robert Johnson is ok, too.


Well that hardest thing about picking out players for the national team for soccer is what players are truely worth being on the team. Unlike hockey where there is pretty much the univerally accepted ratio of at least a 2:1:1 there is no such thning offically for soccer. I see to many players on US teams that are either 1 atty junk or now the most popular 2 atty junk (just so there aren't called 1 atty junk).

Whomever takes the job for the first season has their work cut out for them.


Sadly in the early goings of these leagues, those 1/2 atty players are doing reasonably well. It will only be after players start to really develop and get into the 50-600 range that good players will start to differentiate.


Oh one other note. Some of these lopsided players are being used for set pieces and are successful in that capacity. But like I said, it will become harder and harder to have those players on the pitch for 90 mins, because their weaknesses will really show. But again that won't happen for another 2-3 seasons at least.


I'm not sure it will really take 3 more seasons for those players to start to fail. I think it may be moe like by the end of this upcoming season or the following. That could just be my wishfull thinking who knows.


I certainly hope its sooner rather than later, but not so optimistic.


Yeah I dont it to but i'm trying to be more a a glass 1/2 full person when it come to PPM lately but truth be told I feel more glass empty and broken with they way somethings go on with this game.


Hi guys, I will help you with the Nationals, if you still need any help!


oh, thats right, its planned for next season.

Do you mean a database of players or runing in the election or what?


IDk... whatever you need help with ...


Who ever runs has got a hard task infront of them. I've scouted almost every high OR US player and a vast majority are 1 or 2 atty junk. Then comes the whole ratio business for whom ever take a chase at it,

I thought about running but I think alot of people would be pissed at me for not taking there players because I dont agree with the ratio they use.

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