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  Tēma: Player Quality Discussion


I was wondering if a players average quality is just that, an average, or is it a bit more.

The average quality of a player is the average of the quality of the players attributes, so in theory if 2 players have the exact same attributes as well as the quality of each attribute, then it would be fair to say they are the same.

My consideration for debate is, imagine 2 wingers with the exact same values except the quality of defense. Player A has a value of 10, while Player B has a value of 90. This means that the average quality for Player B is 11 points (90 - 10 = 80 and 80 / 7 = 11.4) higher than the one for Player A.

Is Player B a better player than Player A? or is the average quality just an average with no other significance?


You have to take in consideration the number of points obtained in that attribute. I believe that quality only represents the potential of the player to develop that particular skill and until it is developed through training, it has no impact on the game.


potential development is my take on the number too. but, just like all the skills, it's an estimate until you fully scout the player. my question would be does AvQ take in all the skills for the average, or just the primary and secondaries?


AvQ is the average of all 7 attributes of the player. It has nothing to do with trained attribute level. This still doesn't mean that 2 players with identical quality that train the same every day and don't play will end up with exactly the same attribute. There is still a max/min range for potential to train each day and 1 player may get lucky and train at the high end of the range more often than another and result in higher attribute. Of course play time and regen facility will factor in for players not just riding the pine.

As for the original question regarding the 2 wingers with identical quality except D. They have the potential to be exactly the same if they train the standard winger atty of O, SH, TEC, AG. Now to some degree defense will help the player too, it's just a tertiary (or less) attribute tho. So if you train player B say 20 points more in D than A he'll in that regard. Keep in mind tho while B was doing those 20 in Def player A was putting in comparable training in winger atty. So which is a better player? That's up to you to decide what combination of atty is more important for each player and how they're to be used.


but the player with the higher AQ will fetch more on teh market and you might be able to buy several 'B's for one 'A'


unfortunately if the player is not scouted then the AQ on the market is just a guess. unless hes on theree long enough for you to scout him yourself


wait...i thought the AvQ was an estimate based on the scouting efficiency. so, the higher the efficiency, the more accurate the AvQ is. have i got that wrong?


I may be wrong about this, but I think the AvgQ shown on the market is the same for all people and is not based on your scouting staff. The AvgQ of the players on your roster is based on your staff, or if he has been scouted, it is his actual AvgQ.


sorry but incorrect, the AvgQ you see may differ from someone else. Higher HR more likely to be accurate it is.


Thank you for the correction.


so if my HR is Lvl 7, and my efficiency is 50% then i should have a good idea of what his AVQ is?

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