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While I enjoy this game immensesly it is tpped in favor of thosewho joined in year 1. I think that the developers need to creat a salary cap to give the newr GM's a cnce to compete. My sugestion woul dbe that there be a different cap for each league but there has to be some way to even out the playing field.
there should be sponsoership offer cap not salary cap. if salaries would eat biggest part of or team budget then there should be salary cup but now the salaries ar very small accoring to sponsorship offers so salary cap wont work
I don't think any more caps are needed. The costs of facilities upgrades and maintenance are very progressive and arena costs are too. Player and staff salaries are rising exponentially to skills. Sponsor money is bound to OTR and OTR is limited (30% drop each season), so we can say sponsor money is already capped.
and that is bad that the sponsorship offer is bound to otr. it should be bound to division or average league otr not single team otr
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