ši tema skirta diskusijoms susijusioms su PPM Lietuvos ledo ritulio U20 rinktine.
Čia galite:
- reklamuoti savo kandidatūrą, kandidatuodami į šios rinktinės vyr. trenerio postą, o juo tapę - pateikti savo veiklos ataskaitas, ar terautis komandų vadovų nuomonės U20 rinktinės klausimais.
- pateikti klausimus ar patarimus dabartiniam PPM LT U20 rinktinės treneriui ar jo asistentui;
- pasiūlyti potencialius kandidatus žaidėjus į PPM LT U20 rinktinę;
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Lithuanian U20 team currently has plenty of (13) open spaces for players as I am sure there are enforcements that could be found. I am currently scouting through Lithuanian league rosters for players that could be beneficial for us.
We have two distinct 'problems' - lack of goalies and left wings.
Here are the basic minimum criteria for players of each position to still make the team. If your player meets them, I would be thankful if you sent me their full attributes via mail. Obviously, additional skills, especially shooting, as well as experience are very notable too.
G: 350 - 200 - 200
D: 400 - 200 - 200
LW: 300 - 150 - 150
C: 400 - 200 - 200
RW: 400 - 200 - 200
Lithuanian U20 team currently has plenty of (13) open spaces for players as I am sure there are enforcements that could be found. I am currently scouting through Lithuanian league rosters for players that could be beneficial for us.
We have two distinct 'problems' - lack of goalies and left wings.
Here are the basic minimum criteria for players of each position to still make the team. If your player meets them, I would be thankful if you sent me their full attributes via mail. Obviously, additional skills, especially shooting, as well as experience are very notable too.
G: 350 - 200 - 200
D: 400 - 200 - 200
LW: 300 - 150 - 150
C: 400 - 200 - 200
RW: 400 - 200 - 200
gal atsirastų iš tautiečių norinčių pavadovauti LT ledo ritulio u20 rinktinei?
pagal jau užsiregistravusius kitų šalių kandidatus - patirtis ar kokie nors išskirtinesni gebėjimai ar privalumai, išskyrus norą bei tam skirti reikalingą laisvą laiką, nebūtini
pagal jau užsiregistravusius kitų šalių kandidatus - patirtis ar kokie nors išskirtinesni gebėjimai ar privalumai, išskyrus norą bei tam skirti reikalingą laisvą laiką, nebūtini
Thank you for trusting me with the U20 NT! Overall, I think we did quite ok, knowing the resources we have. We might have ended the WC a position higher, but that's about it.
During the past season I spent quite a lot of time scouting players that could be useful for the team. Thankfully, I managed to find a second goalie and a few other players that hadn't been on the U18 team previously.
Throughout the season I also consequently worked on other tactics that could fit well in the DII. Hopefully, the new GM will continue to work on their chemistry, as when I took over, the LT U20 team could pretty much play only with two tactics.
Naturally, the biggest problem is the lack of young players. I mean, I think we could only compose 3 LT U20 teams from ALL the 19-20 players that are out there.
I've set the roster for the first friendly. Unlike last season, this season there is a clear lack of good RWs. It's so bad that the new GM should do calculations, whether some of the back-up centers won't do better at RW than the players we have there currently.
Anyhow, best of luck! Perhaps, one day I will return.
Thank you for trusting me with the U20 NT! Overall, I think we did quite ok, knowing the resources we have. We might have ended the WC a position higher, but that's about it.
During the past season I spent quite a lot of time scouting players that could be useful for the team. Thankfully, I managed to find a second goalie and a few other players that hadn't been on the U18 team previously.
Throughout the season I also consequently worked on other tactics that could fit well in the DII. Hopefully, the new GM will continue to work on their chemistry, as when I took over, the LT U20 team could pretty much play only with two tactics.
Naturally, the biggest problem is the lack of young players. I mean, I think we could only compose 3 LT U20 teams from ALL the 19-20 players that are out there.
I've set the roster for the first friendly. Unlike last season, this season there is a clear lack of good RWs. It's so bad that the new GM should do calculations, whether some of the back-up centers won't do better at RW than the players we have there currently.
Anyhow, best of luck! Perhaps, one day I will return.

So, a season has passed, and unfortunately the current U20 NT manager clearly doesn't give a s**t about the team, despite being an active manager. The team still plays with the identical roster I had set for the first friendy game, and, to top it off, with a very low importance.
I would be interested in returning to the post of the U20. It will take considerable effort to scout the players and to work on tactics (the work from two seasons ago has been completely neglected this season), but I can assure that I will take good care of the team.
I would be interested in returning to the post of the U20. It will take considerable effort to scout the players and to work on tactics (the work from two seasons ago has been completely neglected this season), but I can assure that I will take good care of the team.
Sveiki lietuviai kurie megsta sia sporto saka . Pabandysiu balatiruotis i sia rinktine . Kokius keliu sau bunant sios rinktines treneriu tikslus - pirma padeti zaidejas pereiti is jauniu i jaunimo rinktine , dirbti taip kad paskui is jaunimo rinktines zaidejai butu potencialus kandidatai ar NET nariai nacionalinei rinktinei. antra - jei tapciau treneriu noreciau itraukti ir jus i rinktines formavima , kaip , ogi kartu pabandytumeme surinkti geriausius jaunimo zaidejus atitinkancius siai rinktinei . AS esu daugeliui zinomas , esu jau seniai zaidziantis siuos zaidimus , todel manau treniruojant rinktine man nekiltu keblumu. Taigi as jusu pasirinkimui , ateikit ir prabalsuokit. ACIU
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