Odaberi državu: | Rumunjska |
La U21 cele mai mari găuri în acest sezon sunt pe inter(i) defensivi. Poate îmi dă cineva vreo idee decentă, pe lângă cei selecționați deja. Mai am în vizor 2-3 jucători încă neselecționați, dar care ori au SA-ul prea mic, ori sunt antrenați aiurea (ofensiv-defensiv, ceea ce nu este decât o struțo-cămilă).
Dear Romanian friends.
At the end of my management of the national team, I would like to comment on the previous season.
We played great matches and except for Denmark, where the "engine of game" beat us, it was a clear great ride.
We played great results in the group, and after an excellent draw against the absolute strongest team from the Czech Republic, we wanted the first place in the group. This would get us to the "easier part of the playoffs".
Unfortunately, there was an unfortunate draw with Brazil, where I think we would have won the next 9 matches from 10. Because our tactics were right.
The playoffs are always difficult, because every match can be the "last one". Poland was an opponent that we had to beat.
And then came the match of "death" against Hungary. And that was a "50-50%" match, and unfortunately with the wrong result for us. But when the referee gives you 11x 2-minute penalties and a red card -> you can't win.
I believe that if we were beat Hungary, we would win a medal. Unfortunately, I have to consider this result a failure. The line between success and failure was thin.
I wish Romania more luck than I had.
At the end of my management of the national team, I would like to comment on the previous season.
We played great matches and except for Denmark, where the "engine of game" beat us, it was a clear great ride.
We played great results in the group, and after an excellent draw against the absolute strongest team from the Czech Republic, we wanted the first place in the group. This would get us to the "easier part of the playoffs".
Unfortunately, there was an unfortunate draw with Brazil, where I think we would have won the next 9 matches from 10. Because our tactics were right.
The playoffs are always difficult, because every match can be the "last one". Poland was an opponent that we had to beat.
And then came the match of "death" against Hungary. And that was a "50-50%" match, and unfortunately with the wrong result for us. But when the referee gives you 11x 2-minute penalties and a red card -> you can't win.
I believe that if we were beat Hungary, we would win a medal. Unfortunately, I have to consider this result a failure. The line between success and failure was thin.
I wish Romania more luck than I had.
When I beat Hungary in semifinal, I won gold medal...
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