Tocno tako, mislim, da je tukaj malo prevec gledanja samo na to, kdo igra kje in koga to prizadene. Na koncu bo prizadelo vse, posredno.
Evo en primercek kako bi se ta sistem lahko v praksi obnesel. Liga naj ima 6 ekip, ravno ena izpadla, da bo lazje.
A 550
B 525
C 475
D 400
E 375
F 465 - novinec s povprecjem lige
Ekipe v nekem casovnem intervalu napredujejo takole:
A 650 (+100)
B 610 (+85)
C 550 (+75)
D 465 (+65)
E 435 (+60)
F 495 (+30)
E se odloci spakirati kufre in nadomesti ga G z OR 555. F prav tako gre raje igrati Bioshock in nadomesti ga H s povprecjem 565. G je jezen, ker je naredil ekipo samo en dan pred tem in se odloci ekipo zbrisati in ustvariti novo - tokrat z OR-jem 570. Pa recimo da H ne bo naredil enako. Preden bo kdo rekel, da to ni realno - jaz vem, da bi to naredil, pa verjetno vecina izmed vas tudi.
V istem casovnem intervalu kot prej ekipe napredujejo do ORjev:
A 770 (+120)
B 710 (+100)
C 640 (+90)
D 540 (+75)
G 600 (+30)
H 595 (+30)
To, kaj sta poceli G in H ekipi pa niti ni vazno, saj tako kot vecina novincev, se obe odlocita nehati. Ni bilo zmage v ligi prvakov prvo sezono... Novinca I in J prideta na prizorisce z OR 665.
In tako imamo, ob vsem zagotavljanju, kako je to igra na dolgi rok, ekipo D z OR-jem 125 za novincema. Koliksna je verjetnost, da bo D izpadel v nizjo ligo? Ne vem, ampak ni majhna. Kaj je D naredil, da si je zasluzil taksen padec po dveh sezonah borbe v ligi? Nic, samo pac taksen je sistem.
בחר מדינה: | סלובניה |
Ti si tukaj napisal kot da ekipe ki imajo večji OR napredujejo hitreje. To ni res. Lahko da ekipa A in B igrata že dlje časa oz. sta kupila igralce in imata zato večji OR. Ekipa C in D pa sta vlagala v objekte in napredujeta hitreje.
S tem se C in D izenačita z A in B.
P.s. ne vem zakaj sploh omenjaš lige z 6 ekipami ki so totalno nerealne? In ker ni šans da sploh pride do tega da bi imeli 6 ekip?
S tem se C in D izenačita z A in B.
P.s. ne vem zakaj sploh omenjaš lige z 6 ekipami ki so totalno nerealne? In ker ni šans da sploh pride do tega da bi imeli 6 ekip?
Sem napisal v drugem odstavku zakaj: "da bo lazje" Brez problema pomnozi vse ekipe s 4 in bos dobil 24 ekip. Tako je pac bolj pregledno, itak pa nesporedno izpadejo 4 ekipe, ne 1, tako da poanta ostaja. Samo lazje jo je videti, ce vzames ligo z maximalno 6 ekipami namesto 22.
Kar se tice prvega dela tvojega razmisljanja: ja seveda, da je mozno v teoriji. V praksi pa tega ne vidis veliko. Tu se pac izpostavlja situacije, ko je spodnja tretjina lestvica sestavljena iz ekip, ki igrajo 1-3 sezone, zgornja tretjina pa iz ekip, ki igrajo 4-6 sezon. Normalno je pricakovati, da bodo te visje ekipe imele tudi boljso infrastrukturo. Jaz sem preprosto vzel eno tretjo ligo in pogledal kako je v realnosti.
Kar se tice prvega dela tvojega razmisljanja: ja seveda, da je mozno v teoriji. V praksi pa tega ne vidis veliko. Tu se pac izpostavlja situacije, ko je spodnja tretjina lestvica sestavljena iz ekip, ki igrajo 1-3 sezone, zgornja tretjina pa iz ekip, ki igrajo 4-6 sezon. Normalno je pricakovati, da bodo te visje ekipe imele tudi boljso infrastrukturo. Jaz sem preprosto vzel eno tretjo ligo in pogledal kako je v realnosti.
V glavnem je narobe to, da nove ekipe, ki bodo prišle v 3. ligo dobile občutno predobre igralce, ker bodo tudi nekatere starejše ekipe z povprečnimi igrelci preko 500 in več iz 2. lige izpadle v 3. in posledično povečevale to povprečje ob tem pa te ekipe imajo objekte že na 12 nivoju ali višje in bo tako povprečje vsako sezono še višje in to je nexus6m hotel prikazati.
Nekdo, ki pa začne v 4. ligi pa bo obsojen na igralce z OR 150-200 in ta bo zelo verjetno takoj prenehal z igranjem, ko bo ugotovil, da je bil kratko malo nategnjen.
Nekdo, ki pa začne v 4. ligi pa bo obsojen na igralce z OR 150-200 in ta bo zelo verjetno takoj prenehal z igranjem, ko bo ugotovil, da je bil kratko malo nategnjen.
Organizovacemo turnir u kojem ce ucestvovati timovi iz bivse Jugovlavije. Da li ima nekog zainteresovanog? Termini su samo ponedeljkom
Organize a tournament in which teams will participate in the former Jugovlavije. Is there someone interested? Dates are only on Mondays
Organize a tournament in which teams will participate in the former Jugovlavije. Is there someone interested? Dates are only on Mondays
A mi lahko kdo to točno prevede????
"Ads must be entered as a full link or with the use of special tags (when only the name appears as a clickable link). The manager may add a comment to the ad."
"Ads must be entered as a full link or with the use of special tags (when only the name appears as a clickable link). The manager may add a comment to the ad."
Ne smeš dat v temo Football transfers povezave do svoje ekipe in napisat, da prodajaš igralce, ampak moraš napisat vsakega igralca posebej in zraven prilepit povezavo do njega ali pa uporabit posebno oznako[soccer_player=id], kjer namesto id napišeš id številko tvojega igralca.
Jaz sem dal link moje ekipe kar je v bistvu tudi ime ekipe.
Zgora ne piše, da mora striktno biti ime igralca, ampak samo ime.
Vsaj tako sem si razlagal z mojim znanjem angleščine.
Zgora ne piše, da mora striktno biti ime igralca, ampak samo ime.
Vsaj tako sem si razlagal z mojim znanjem angleščine.
Hja res ne omenja nič, da moraš dati link igralca. Ampak, če bi jaz to prebral, bi razumel tako....
Sem mel dosti igralcev na prodaj pa se mi ni dalo za vsakega posebej delat.
Pa sem pač probal srečo z imenom ekipe.
Pa sem pač probal srečo z imenom ekipe.
Since Domiss223 became captain, very bad things have been happening in the Polish community. The vast majority of the community (if not all with minor exceptions - his friends) consider this user to be a liar and he is definitely not their captain. For several months, the Polish forum has been dominated by authoritarianism. In the last few years, Polish users have not received as many bans on the forum and in the mail as in the last few months since Domiss223 "rules" - please take a look at the "punishments" tab: you write something on the forum that the captain doesn't like, the post is immediately deleted and the user, despite not breaking any of the rules, receives a punishment. Later, when they try to find out in a private message what the punishment is for (this should be explained when imposing the punishment), they receive a ban from using private mail. The forum is censored like in the times of socialism - the game probably shouldn't be a place for this type of behavior.
The "support" for the "captain" can also be seen in the elections in the Polish national teams. All those who belong to the Polish staff lose significantly in the elections for coaches:
Basketball U17 - basketball.powerplaymanag... - The community captain and three-time Polish basketball champion, against an ordinary user who plays two leagues lower and has never been successful in this sport.
Basketball Senior - basketball.powerplaymanag... - an ordinary user who has never played in the first league, versus a publisher of the PP magazine and a midfielder who has managed teams in various sports for many years, but recently joined the Polish staff and quickly lost the trust of the Polish community (btw, he has already resigned from his position after seeing what kind of person he is dealing with - Senior - hockey.powerplaymanager.c... - a helper who should inspire trust among the community versus an accomplished hockey manager - declassment.
In addition, users have noticed that there are people in positions in the Polish Staff who were not chosen for the team because of their skills but because of their contacts and connections.
User Damian31 is a helper and has NEVER PLAYED IN THE HIGHEST LEAGUE OF ANY SPORT despite the fact that with today's number of users it is trivially easy. His knowledge outside of the guide is practically zero, and new users ask him questions he doesn't know the answers to, and until recently he was referring them to other helpers.
User Grzegorz Franek logs into the game every few days and is a forum moderator - how is he supposed to keep order on the forum if he appears in the game so rarely? Additionally, he is a translator - PPM news can be untranslated for several days (because he does not log into the game) or are translated by the captain.
User Yoyogi, as I wrote above, was a valued player until he decided to join the staff, a position he has already resigned from.
Referring to the above, as a representative and voice of the Polish community, I call on the decision-makers in PPM to hold a referendum among the Polish community to dismiss the user Domiss223 from the position of the captain of the Polish community. In order not to create new tools that would allow for fair voting, I propose creating a PP article in which the community will decide in the comments under the article (since the forum is not read by that many people) or we can create an online petition (with nicknames and email addresses) in which users will be able to sign to dismiss the captain. I count on a serious approach to the topic.
Thanks for reading.
Best regards
Since Domiss223 became captain, very bad things have been happening in the Polish community. The vast majority of the community (if not all with minor exceptions - his friends) consider this user to be a liar and he is definitely not their captain. For several months, the Polish forum has been dominated by authoritarianism. In the last few years, Polish users have not received as many bans on the forum and in the mail as in the last few months since Domiss223 "rules" - please take a look at the "punishments" tab: you write something on the forum that the captain doesn't like, the post is immediately deleted and the user, despite not breaking any of the rules, receives a punishment. Later, when they try to find out in a private message what the punishment is for (this should be explained when imposing the punishment), they receive a ban from using private mail. The forum is censored like in the times of socialism - the game probably shouldn't be a place for this type of behavior.
The "support" for the "captain" can also be seen in the elections in the Polish national teams. All those who belong to the Polish staff lose significantly in the elections for coaches:
Basketball U17 - basketball.powerplaymanag... - The community captain and three-time Polish basketball champion, against an ordinary user who plays two leagues lower and has never been successful in this sport.
Basketball Senior - basketball.powerplaymanag... - an ordinary user who has never played in the first league, versus a publisher of the PP magazine and a midfielder who has managed teams in various sports for many years, but recently joined the Polish staff and quickly lost the trust of the Polish community (btw, he has already resigned from his position after seeing what kind of person he is dealing with - Senior - hockey.powerplaymanager.c... - a helper who should inspire trust among the community versus an accomplished hockey manager - declassment.
In addition, users have noticed that there are people in positions in the Polish Staff who were not chosen for the team because of their skills but because of their contacts and connections.
User Damian31 is a helper and has NEVER PLAYED IN THE HIGHEST LEAGUE OF ANY SPORT despite the fact that with today's number of users it is trivially easy. His knowledge outside of the guide is practically zero, and new users ask him questions he doesn't know the answers to, and until recently he was referring them to other helpers.
User Grzegorz Franek logs into the game every few days and is a forum moderator - how is he supposed to keep order on the forum if he appears in the game so rarely? Additionally, he is a translator - PPM news can be untranslated for several days (because he does not log into the game) or are translated by the captain.
User Yoyogi, as I wrote above, was a valued player until he decided to join the staff, a position he has already resigned from.
Referring to the above, as a representative and voice of the Polish community, I call on the decision-makers in PPM to hold a referendum among the Polish community to dismiss the user Domiss223 from the position of the captain of the Polish community. In order not to create new tools that would allow for fair voting, I propose creating a PP article in which the community will decide in the comments under the article (since the forum is not read by that many people) or we can create an online petition (with nicknames and email addresses) in which users will be able to sign to dismiss the captain. I count on a serious approach to the topic.
Thanks for reading.
Best regards
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