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  Asunto: Injured players.


Wow. Maybe basketball got it right. When an injured player reaches the bandaid stage, from now on he is going to sit for me. I played my guy today and he was playing at a 20 rating. He rated an 11 and really sucked.


Normal. They're still technically injured, and I believe playing them in that state can lead them to getting injured again? I recall reading or hearing that somewhere, but you would be better off using a sub in his place. Depending on the sub of course.


It's like that in other sports too. you just don't notice it as much because there isn't the individual player rating.

I challenge you to play a d2d goalie in hockey, soccer, or handball and see what it does to your team.

(i say goalie, because that's the one position where you can see the actual impact of the injured player's ineptitude).


speaking of injuries... I got a nice whopping 20 day injury today for the worst player on my team.

So now instead of his dead wood ass training at 0.000001 points a day, he'll train at 0.0 per day.

Big loss.

Hopefully that injury keeps the other players I actually care about from getting injured for a while.


it does help. my biggest regret was firing my injured player (his contract would expire right when he was health). should have kept him just for insurance: prevent others to get injured. The day after i released him, i got another player injured.

I think i will buy a couple of players with 28 injuries just to protect my team ;)


you can try. It didn't do shit for my handball team this season.

seriously, at one point i had 3 starters injured. 2 of them got injured after I bought 2 injured players on the market. So I had 5 guys that were either injured or day to day.

It was fucking ridiculous.


But yeah, I was planning on getting rid of this bum anyways. His contract runs out in 25 days (5 days after he's healthy again).

I'll be cutting him as soon as he's back to health.


With my basketball team if I cut the crap players I don't have a team.


Search the market for cheap players with better positional stats that can replace them. Late night buying is also another good idea.


Good and bad. If you buy other players' rejects you never get better than them and you give them more money to get ahead of you. Buying their players is only a bad bandaid. It really doesn't fix the problem. But, if you only purchase No Contract Players, you can help your team AND you don't give your competitors more money to fuel their machine. Much better option for the long haul is to use ones money on themselves. More seats, better Facilities. For Basketball, right now, managers buying other managers' players is a bad idea. In the long run it hurts you and helps them


In the established leagues buying players is a huge part to getting better and moving up. I just don't think that right now is the time to use it in basketball. But hell, what do I know. There are a whole lot people out there at this than me. Thanks for the input.


I hate when it doesn't print like I want. Should have read, there are a whole lot of people out there better at this than me.


My players don't get injure during games, they get injured on their day offs. i pick 5 players i decided was my best 5 and they played 13 games straight, avg~26min each, n i decided to save energy to give them a 5 games rest along with few other super subs. 2 got injured while chilling at home...


I know the feel. My backup SF fractures his right humerus. He's been out for 11 games and still has 8 more to go. Lost in the national cup because of that injury too.

rp widener jr

late night buying isn't any better than daytime

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