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  Asunto: II.1


are you sure? ;)

I mean you can hang out in our club, but you can't have our purple drink and apple pie. 8-D:D


Yeah... i was pretty jealous about your 1st round pick. I had a pipe dream that I would see one of the 2 As that I scouted (Gilbert Polanco and Chad Pinson ) slip down to me. That didn't happen.

I'm probably gonna be blowing up most of my team towards the end of this season. I'll be keeping the core group of guys that have value to the national teams (Ted Keenan , Lloyd Russ , Rolland Benedict , Derek Carney , and Kev Reynolds ), but otherwise, I'll likely sell the rest of my "veterans" by season's end. Mostly, I just wanted to remain successful enough to get my construction maxed out (which will be close by season's-end), and then just focus on playing high quality youngsters and running the U19 team.

I have several foreign guys that I'm really only planning on playing as stopgaps until I can accumulate decent enough USA born youngsters to flesh out my roster.

I might even start soliciting some of the US managers to sell their higher AQ, not great OR young guys - particularly those managers without very stout training facilities.

Usuario PRO Estados Unidos capsaicin

2 seasons ago and possibly last season, the U18 Czech Republic national hockey team has been having 2-3 teams buy up all the best U18 prospects and use them as starters. As a result, the average U18 Czech player (I had the Czech team scouted for the tournament) had about ~70 experience (instead of the usually ~10-30) at 18 years old, making the Czech Republic much stronger than it would have been, and the favorite in each tournament.

I'd like to see the United States do something similar, but the few teams that could feasibly make such an effort would have to sacrifice competing to be a I.1 playoff team. Even if one or two teams did go that route, that's not enough to maintain such a strategy in the long run. There is one U.S. team in hockey that does focus on playing prospects to help the national team.

I think that would be a good plan - as long as PPM doesn't intervene due to the sending of solicitations or substantially higher than market value bids for low OR players.


Yeah I mean... I've never really cared much about division I.1. I've always been most interested in the financial planning/business development component of this game. The competitive aspects have always just been a means to an end for me.

I've managed to stay consistently competitive in II.1... and by doing so have built up my arena/facilities very successfully. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that my facilities are among the top 3-5 in the USA, as they're comparable to several of the top teams in division I.1.

I figure that I'm rather well positioned to do what you mention above, given my complete indifference about competing in I.1.


I'll be putting my A rated draft pick, Oren Bassett , on the market because a 79 EQ isn't quite good enough for a 15 year old 6/6.


Well... Lloyd Russ sure stood on his head today. :-/


79 is pretty good. Maybe not for you lol. 80% players are great. Problem is that some have big cl drop very soon


I'm actually a bit bummed that I didn't get Oren Bassett . I was planning on actually playing him as a rookie this season.

I completely missed the draft ending time... can't be everywhere at all times sadly. It's a bummer because he ended up going for only $50,000. :'(X(

At least he went to a team with solid training facilities though.


Same. I was totally going for him and forgot. :/


bah, he is too low even for 50k since one would have too many players and start to pay penalties
I am happy with my recent pull Jesse Coppens
if i recall he was 4 stars

Usuario PRO Estados Unidos capsaicin

I was going to try and pick up one of the players from the Last Place McGees, but they were a little out of my price range. I'll be better off investing sooner in HR 14 anyway.

I did manage to pick up a major upgrade at wing. I got a 944 OR wing with good enough training for a little over 1,000,000. His last team paid 100,000,000. He is admittedly already 23 with only 3 CL, and he will be weaker than some of my younger players in the long term, but he was still a pretty good bargain.


Wow, looks like a steal for you. He should be worth it pretty quick


Man... I've pulled probably 10x as many "star" players (by quality) in soccer and basketball than I have in handball. Frustrating. Because I don't care about them at all.

Usuario PRO Estados Unidos capsaicin

On a whim, I decided to find out which teams had a training facility above level 13. I don't have pro pack in handball. There are 11 teams with a level 13.5-15 training facility (.5 indicates an upgrade in progress).

Mojo Express
Erratic Emus
Dummkopf HSV
Cunning Procrastinators
Renamed 15881
Covington Rowdies
Fighting Okra
Cataclysm (will be 14.5 in about 5 weeks)
Orlando Generals



Yeah I check the "big 4" rankings (TF, Regen, HR Dept, Sports Academy) every now and then to see how I'm doing comparatively.

I'm happy as long as I'm top 10, but I've actually noticed that I've slid up to probably top 5 since I finished my stand upgrades in my arena.

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