Cao Predraže,
sve što ti treba je da aktiviraš 'Tennis coach licence' i možeš koristiti najbolja 33 skila u duelima umesto 30:
Ta licenca ti omogucava korišcenje 10% vise skilova, sto su zapravo ta 3 skila ako ih imaš minimum 30.
Sve najbolje!
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I još bih te samo zamolio da mi kažeš koliko mi kredita treba za to i da li to vrijedi nakkon asktivacije samo 1 dan ili za stalno.pozz i puno ti hvala na odgovoru.živio!
Ne moraš mi odgovarat,pošto sam nakon otvaranja ovog tvog linka od screen shoota vidio da košta 20 kredita i traje 14 dana.Svejedno,još jednom ti puno hvala,ŽIVIO!
I wonder why there bots of all levels?
Because I have the Premium Superpack and should be able to play against opponents 3 levels below and above 3 levels.
As I am level 128 just got adversaries level 125 and 127, that is correct? or is it a bug?
the server is the International S3.
I wonder why there bots of all levels?
Because I have the Premium Superpack and should be able to play against opponents 3 levels below and above 3 levels.
As I am level 128 just got adversaries level 125 and 127, that is correct? or is it a bug?
the server is the International S3.
Problem is that you cannot find bots with level 128-131?
Please, send me ID of your account.
Please, send me ID of your account.
Problem sent to developers. As soon as I find out something I will let you know.
Best regards,
Best regards,
well apparently do nothing, I'm 129 and I have no bots.
therefore you may be better stop playing because to be spending money for nothing.
therefore you may be better stop playing because to be spending money for nothing.
you have bots with level 126 and 128 at this moment, but this problem is reported to developers and we'll add new bots very soon.
Thanks for your patiense.
Best regards,
you have bots with level 126 and 128 at this moment, but this problem is reported to developers and we'll add new bots very soon.
Thanks for your patiense.
Best regards,
Well it seems that will not do anything.
For I am a level 130, within two days 131 and with no one to play, because only the bots to 127.
therefore I will stop here because not worth playing for nothing.
It was good to last.
For I am a level 130, within two days 131 and with no one to play, because only the bots to 127.
therefore I will stop here because not worth playing for nothing.
It was good to last.
Hi Pauloeira,
developers are working on this issue, I would kindly ask you for patience.
Have a nice evening,
developers are working on this issue, I would kindly ask you for patience.
Have a nice evening,
Hi Pauloeira,
you can always do that on Helpdesk as you did.
Have a nice day.
you can always do that on Helpdesk as you did.
Have a nice day.
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