I offer my candidature for the post of national coach.
I'm actually the national coach of french U18.
Why not introduce myself in France.
Simply because the team Senior's NT begin his project last season.
And I prefer they leads to the end .
A few words about my career on club :
I have finish in the semi final of my championship in the nine last season
I have finish four times champions and win a national cup.
A few word about my carrer on national team.
The first season of U18 ended with a FINAL of championship DIVISION 1... mean rise in Top Division.
On the second, we have reached the goal fixed on begining of season.
Stay in the top Division..
I'm really happy with this conclusion reward, we have work hard all over the past two seasons.
We started with a blank sheet and peeled all the major leagues in search of the best French.
I don't count the hours of research and work on it.
Concerning the Irish composition, players will be in NT according two group:
The first group is called the pole formation, consists of players exceptional potential but not yet developed, or developed enough to be best in NT.
But they will be the futur (21 years for exemple).
So they will be selectioned for have Train bonus with NT to help them develop for the future selection of EDF.
The second group is the group competition.
Thinking about the future is important, but we want to wear high color of irsih NT.
This group will be clear.
No consideration of low CL, or somewhat limited infrastructure. Here is the defending team colors in our world championship.
Are selected players who are the best at the beginning of the world championship.
In short, here the best D-Day, the beginning of the championship play.
Like with the french U18, i think that the team can make the surprised in division 1 and go in Top division.
If you give us your confidence to the adventure with National team, I promise you wear the highest possible NT's colors

If you have any question about my project, you can tell me