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  Asunto: Senior NT Discussion - Ireland ONLY


Very good run this year, so good luck for the next season.


Congrats! Really good result! I hope you will continue this good job in the next season!


Brilliant tournament.

I commend you both on the Irish teams performances.
That was heartbreakingly close..


A goal different finish for 2nd. Considering where we are as a country in this game you couldn't ask for a much better finish than that. Well done and good luck for next season if you are staying on.


Congratulations. Nice season from both trainer. Pity that the procedure failed. :)


Will lo2010 be looking to stay on as manager for the next season?


From what I have discussed with him no, but I will be applying as head manager of the Irish NT.


No, no I gonna take this season break. Maybe over next season.


Unless a properly suitable Irish candidate (manager of a top 5 team) comes out of the fold I'll be voting for xxflip


Thanks for the vote of confidence, but more importantly than voting for a particular candidate is voting.
I would be very happy if the Irish community showed up for these elections in numbers because that would legitimize the elections, the winner candidate and the community itself.

I really hope that last results have helped to unite the community around the National Team project, and with the support of all I truly believe that better results can be accomplished.

Usuario PRO Francia Tetaslap

Hello everyone !

I create this topic to talk with all of you about the NT elections coming tomorrow. With my "staff", we'll answer to all of your questions aboput our project for Team Ireland. We hope you'll trust us, and we'll very proud to manage Irish Team.

We also wish good luck and good campaign to all the others candidates, and we invite them to create a similar topic, then you voters can have all the keys before choosing your candidate.

For this first message, I copy the "application form" I wrote for the election page, you can find it at this adress : hockey.powerplaymanager.c...

This is the text :

Hello ! I'm Tetaslap (RC Ajaccio ), and I'm applying to become the next Irish National Team Manager.

With MSA83 (Msa Starteam ) and cyrillou13 (Geek Vintage 88 ), two others managers that I know since the beginning of Powerplay Manager, we want to bring to Ireland our experience. I got a project for Team Ireland, but let me introduce my staff and myself.

MSA and Cyrillou are two great managers, hard workers, who had always been player in French higher leagues (I and II). I am also the former Team France manager. At this time, we are the only one in France to have reached the 1/4 finals in Top Division World Championship .

We are working on this project for a long time, this means that we are following a lot of Irish players. Our database is ready to be the right tool to improvethe Irish NT for next season. Of course we'll be grateful to be helped by every Irish manager who wants to help us. Some of you have been mailed by MSA in order to join us.

We will work on 3 axes : experience, formation and communication.
- Experience : we noticed the importance of players experience, and we'll give the chance to the most experienced players (in case of some equivalents skilled players). We work on that since a long time, and it seems than XP is one of the most important "skill"...
- Formation : we'll look at the facilities than the players have in their teams. The objective is an optimum training for NT players.
- Communication : we'll keep you posted about the NT life all along the season, and try to define what are the best options for both teams (yours and NT). We'll discuss about the best training for players, facilities constructions advices, and all of this kind who make your teams and your National Team stronger. Our objective is to install Ireland into the top teams of Division 1 and maybe more...

This season, Team Ireland missed the spot to division 1. We wants to continue the good job made by the current manager, and bring our experience and vision. We are very confident to bring Ireland Team into division 1.

I have open a topic into the Irish forum, so we will answer to all the questions you'll asking to us. I'll be glad to answer in this specific topic or here, as you prefer. Maybe have you noticed than my english is not perfect, but don't worry about that : we are negociate with an official translator, to make our tells more understandable than now. And if some of you guys wants to take part of this project with us, it will be a pleasure too !

I believe in our project, and I hope you'll believe into it too.

Now feel free to ask us all the questions you want, we'll answer it with a lot of pleasure !

Thanks to have read us !


As stated before candidates should not start opening threads on the forum for discussions related with the elections. Instead they should keep their comments to this thread or one common thread for all candidates.

That was my understanding on the matter, after I requested permission for each candidate to open a different topic. Has that changed?

It's understandable that Tetaslap didn't know about that, after all he hasn't participated in the Irish forum before, but that is something that should be clarified.

And since Tetaslap has made a public post requesting support to his candidacy, let me just add that I was happy to hear Tetaslap say that the former National Team manager did a great jog. I for one can guarantee that I will be able to continue that good work.

Usuario PRO Francia Tetaslap

Sorry for my missunderstanding. I didn't find the message about these rules, so I made like we made for France elections.

Anyway, as it seems than we are the two most serious candidates, where do you want we post our campaign messages ? Right here or in a specific thread ? Or maybe should we let Emerald decide ?

I hope a good and fair campaign for both of us, and the Irish managers could decide of their vote with all the keys in their hands.

Just for remember, we'll be very proud to help Ireland with our international experience.


Regarding the next season, it is my opinion that the current NT manager starts scheduling the friendly games, simply because if he doesn't there's a very high risk that Ireland will be facing the same team over and over again.

In my past experience as NT manager, both of Portugal and last season as assistant manager of Ireland, scheduling the friendly games on the first week allows for a more balanced choice of opponents, instead of waiting for the second week.

Is anyone against?


the election. There is a lot of contributions. otherwise no :)

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