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Yes Check Republic's first season in D2! Time to get humbled I think, but it will be fun!
Reverist I thiink you have one of the three best teams coming up form III all with the Wookies and me. But yes everyone has a good team here in II.3.
good luck to everyone in the new season. reversit you will do fine... i finished 3rd last yr in my first d2 season
hey I avoided a loss. I'm also trying out new players on the third and fourth lines while dealing with a regular's injury. So I am satisfied thus far.
was a good game was half scared i got 16 guys in camp most of my good ones just not my goalie he had a decent game. looks like gonna be tons more fun this season no more 10+ to nils
10+ to nil depends on whether anyone drops out this season. good to have y'all around! good luck...just not better luck than i get.
i think it will be a fairly competitive league this yr... i imagine there are a few people who drop out and become no names, seems to happen every yr. def not as many as last yr though
Oldcity all I can say is that the hockey Gods were with me today. I thought for sure you had me.
Hey hey two games in and unbeaten. LOL jk I know it's early. I've got to take what encouragement I can for now! gnovitske, I say I am really looking forward to playing your team! We have played each other so often it's always fun and a challenge!
likewise..... should be a couple good encounters between us, and an exciting yr in general.... good luck on remaining unbeaten! lol
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