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  Asunto: Draft


Eliminado por el moderador Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357.

Usuario PRO Canada Boba Fett

I manage to draft an A player last draft, turns out to suck and I cut him. Next SA pull, get a 4 star center.

I hate the fact that half of our SA pulls in every sport are gone now.


I confirm that I hate this system. For some reason the game logged me out somewhere within 10 minutes of the draft so I never got a warning that it was my turn and ended up with another crappy B player. What's the point?!


i like the draft, but i don't like how it is time consuming. i like the element of scouting (and how hr influence the accuracy), but one thing they should consider fixing is displaying the cl before the players are scouted. personally, i never take 5/6 cl from sa, so there is no reason why i bother even scouting the 5/6's. most managers probably heavily scout 6/6 over 5/6, so what ends up happening is we all scout the same players. now i wish we wouldn't actually have to be online. i donmt think it matters to us managers whether we stay online to get the bpa in our opinion, or to just make a list of players we want to draft in orders. however because it cost too much credits to actually make a list, managers either end up not even bothering with the draft (not what the community nor the developers want), or stay online for it and complain how they wasted so much real life time only to end up with garbage players (i don't have problems with 95+% players end up being garbage. it's more realistic, and most sa pulls are also just as bad. if we can get a good player even half of the draft, it would only raise the average quality of player, meaning it would only deflate market player values and no teams relatively improve as all teams would improve). i think the solution to the draft system (in order to satisfy most people) is to: 1. make cl only visible after the scouting is done, and 2. have us order our draft list with free of charge (or for very cheap, like 3 or 5 credits to have the whole list ordered)

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

If you have a late pick, like I did this time around, it makes sense to scout 5/6 guys since the 6/6 A and A+ players will certainly be gone. Guys who scouted 5/6 guys were taking "B" players in all 5 rounds where I was picking "C" players.

"C" and "B" players are equally as useless so I suppose in the end it doesn't really matter.


Agree with canucks. 5/6 vs 6/6 all depends where I draft.

Anthony Lee

Regarding the Week 16 Draft next season in hockey, do the prospects arrive as 15 year-olds and does that mean they are also going through the CL drops a few days after the draft?

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

They arrive after the season changes so they arrive 15 and no C/L drop.

Don't put too much thought into the new changes. They just announced more based on the people complaining about not having a "view players from the academy" button to click every week.


that is too bad i wanted to at least try the new option out

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

You'd have thought...

Anthony Lee

Wait what?? The two-draft thing is a no go? FFS, some people are ridiculous these days.

Anthony Lee

Nevermind, I'm wrong. Don't know why that thought popped into my head. Tough day :D

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

Well, the two-draft as designed is a no-go. There will be two drafts, but they'll be like we have now with a small player pool and few people getting good players.

Anthony Lee

Oh okay. That's still ridiculous, I personally thought the 3rd change was the best they could do but I don't know what to expect due to the incessant levels of complaints happening. Really feel for the devs having to try to resolve all that crap.

Persona cercana al equipo de PPM canucks357

That's exactly it. It was the few who were loud that got things changed while the many that were happy and quiet were unaware. It is crap, really. I mean, like you said, I feel strongly the third draft version was fantastic. But, what it came down to, is some people need to click "view players from academy" every week whether or not there is a quicker/more efficient way to make their team better or not is irrelevant.

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