Prijateljske za julij!
Kapaciteta: 16800
Selecciona un país: | Eslovenia |
I need friendlies matches
Arena = 80000 spectators
I'll accept the highest overall team rating
Arena = 80000 spectators
I'll accept the highest overall team rating
Iščem prijateljske tekme. Ni važno kje (doma ali v gosteh) in ni važno kdaj (oktober, november,...)
I need friendlies matches
Arena = 80000 spectators
I'll accept the highest overall team rating
Arena = 80000 spectators
I'll accept the highest overall team rating
I need friendlies matches
Arena = 80000 spectators
I'll accept the highest overall team rating
Arena = 80000 spectators
I'll accept the highest overall team rating
Temas favoritos
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