If they're in national teams, they will automatically go on the market when your team shuts down. If not, they stop getting trained instantly and no-one can save them. That's why I signed up those three 18yos to the U20 team although the new U20 manager will still be able to drop them when he or she takes over.
So if you do want to save any players, put the Aussie players who aren't in national teams on the market before you sign off for the last time. We have so few teams left, we have to save what players we can.
Selecciona un país: | Australia |
Yes, what Crico said. All the ones that are in National Teams already are safe (you can just leave them). But please sell the ones that are *not* on NTs right now...
PS, I'm scouting your 3 new players, but added Richardson to the NT sight unseen, just based on his average quality.
Could he be trained in either shooting or his main attribute? (If he isn't already) Even if you stop logging in, he will still get 3 weeks free training!
PS, I'm scouting your 3 new players, but added Richardson to the NT sight unseen, just based on his average quality.
Could he be trained in either shooting or his main attribute? (If he isn't already) Even if you stop logging in, he will still get 3 weeks free training!
A 3-0 win in our friendly against Norway!
That we won because of a forfeit...
That we won because of a forfeit...
sure thing, will do mate
..there seems to be only single decent player from draft and he is already on NT (Richardson Qua80%) he is nearly same CM as WM, gently better CM. I set him practice shooting as someone else can train M later
.. also plan to give them one more camp for boost be4 I leave ((;
..there seems to be only single decent player from draft and he is already on NT (Richardson Qua80%) he is nearly same CM as WM, gently better CM. I set him practice shooting as someone else can train M later
.. also plan to give them one more camp for boost be4 I leave ((;
A 0-0 draw in our friendly against Sweden --our first (actual) match of the season!
Ooh, thnx Bronte... please sell him if your definitely dropping out this season... (Im already full on the NT so can add him yet).
Thanks, I'll keep an eye on him...we always need more goalies! (I'm still scouting him, so didn't know his position). Unfortunately, I filled the whole roster already! I've followed him, so hopefully he'll end up in a good team and we can use him in the future...
Just got another top 491OR from academy... midfielder... Lachlan Pyle I think his name was, waiting for him to join within the next hr.
Goalie sold to Latvian I.1 team with reasonable facilities for $18M... hope all NT managers follow him
Yes, I'm definitely keeping my eye on him (and others!). Unfortunately, the roster is full, so I'll have to wait until next season to add him...
If you do get any more youngsters, plz do train them in shooting or their main attribute!
And anyone not on the NT will be lost if a team folds, so pls do sell them if you think this might happen soon!
If you do get any more youngsters, plz do train them in shooting or their main attribute!
And anyone not on the NT will be lost if a team folds, so pls do sell them if you think this might happen soon!
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