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  Asunto: Reporting bugs

Usuario PRO Hungría Mamillare


I got punishment today, but I went with the same team as always, not a weakened one! They are just tired!

Its a big bug! Please fix it for me, thanks.


Desarrollador del proyecto PowerPlay Manager vlady

it's not a bug. the system compares your average team strength from the last X games with the team strength in the last game. It's your job as a manager to prepare the team well for the most important part of the season and you didn't do that.

Usuario PRO Hungría Mamillare

The team rating was the same basically in my last matches.

I diidnt change anything. I went with my best team. How can be that my fault? One of the injured players came back, thats all happened.

If I weaken my team rating by 10% I would understand it. But the system is just wrong. One injured player came back and play: You got a nice punishment 2 times at least.

Desarrollador del proyecto PowerPlay Manager vlady

it is your fault that your players are almost completely out of energy. You are an experienced manager, you should know how to manage your energy

Usuario PRO Hungría Mamillare

Yeah, Im an experienced manager, so I know I gain more EXP if i play with very high importance.

But the guide says: "If they find out that your team plays these games with significantly weakened lineup, it will reflect on their offers at the end of the season. "

My lineup is not weakened compare to my last X games significantly.


Your lineup IS weakened by lack of energy your players have. The more they are tired, the worse they play. And thats why the sponsors are unhappy. You simply haven't prepared them well for the play-offs.

Usuario PRO Hungría Mamillare

(I've prepared it well, because we've reached the final. Without very high importance its not sure it would be the case. )

And my team rating is not weakened significantly between my last X games.

The system didnt punish me in quarterfinals and semifinals. And now, in the final, with almost the same team rating DID.

Thats the sign of a wrong system.


The system only punish teams that lose in playoffs due to significantly weakened team strength. You didn't lose a playoff match until the finals.

Usuario PRO Hungría Mamillare

Thats not in the guide tho. Thanks for the info.

But Vlady said the system compares it to the last X games. Not my day 1 team strenght. So still interesting that a little drop in team strenght causes that.

And how much is significantly weakened? :P (%)

Desarrollador del proyecto PowerPlay Manager vlady

the last X games is more games than you think. I cannot publish exact numbers because we don't want people to abuse the system. Same reason why I will not reveal the percentages for "significantly weakened".

Usuario PRO Hungría Mamillare

People abuses it (dont need to know the exact %s) anyway, I used to abuse it, and did not got any punishment.

It was just funny, I got the punishment, when I play clean. Whatever.

Usuario PRO China Taipei taipaddy

I activated market agent but the maximum bid the system will let me do is much less than the money I have. Why is that?

Usuario PRO China Taipei taipaddy

The maximum bid it will allow me to do is actually just the next minimum bid of the player.

Usuario PRO Hungría Mamillare

Interesting. This season I did everything the same way, very high importance almost every matches, lost in semifinal and in match for 3rd place:

I did NOT get any punishment. Last year I got 4 times at least with 100% the same scenario.

Desarrollador del proyecto PowerPlay Manager vlady

it's never the same scenario. There are injuries to players and stuff like that which can make the difference. Certainly doesn't signify a bug.

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