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Já jsem rád, že turnaj získává na mezinárodním věhlasu. Přivalilo se to nějak najednou, nepřekvapilo by mě, kdybych zjistil, že francouzský manažer mě u nich doporučil.
no tak mi rovnou můžete kontumovat první zápas, protože mám potěr v kempu - myslel jsem, že turnaj začne až o týden později
Škoda. Ještě zbývá zoufalá možnost nakoupit levné mladé lamy. Už jsem podobnou chybu v minulosti taky udělal.
Hi guys. Is it possible to speak English in this forum?
I am in this tournament and I cannot understand anything.
Good luck
I am in this tournament and I cannot understand anything.
Good luck
Ok no problem
kumbal said:
He has players in camp - will probably contumacy:/
calvera said:
It's a shame, what to buy young players on the market?
honza08 (It is an amateur) said:
heavy group and he is complaining, but he will fight)
and I:
mate good luck in the election!
kumbal said:
He has players in camp - will probably contumacy:/
calvera said:
It's a shame, what to buy young players on the market?
honza08 (It is an amateur) said:
heavy group and he is complaining, but he will fight)
and I:
mate good luck in the election!
Ok, thanks. It will be funny.
It is my first young tournament.
We can play with players with 19 years, can not?
It is my first young tournament.
We can play with players with 19 years, can not?
I should buy 13 of them and then let them go after the first match I do not think it is possible, sorry for that mistake I have done... the French guy is going to face my first team. As a punishment I will make my line-up as much uncofortable as I can and my goalies will go to the front line
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