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LOL yeah for real. As Dan Aykroyd said in Tommy Boy, "Savor the flavor cuz it sure as heck ain't gonna happen again." LOL But seriously, hopefully it does.
if i don't get promoted this year... i will be super the 38th seed overall in the national cup and i'm still stuck in D3
haha we'll see... my team choked bad down the stetch last yr after winning the first 30 er so... still early
It's only my second season, so I definitely don't have anything to complain about if I don't get promoted. But it would be nice LOL.
There is definite a backup goaltender in our league named "Leamon Breaux." Doesn't that seem an awful lot like "Lehman Bros?" LOL
haha... i might get rid of my back up goalie at the end of this yr or next... trying to groom a young guy behind him
Lucky you--I don't have anyone waiting in the wings...if somehow I do promote this season, I need to use some funds to buy a goalie. I've never had one come out of the SA yet.
i think ive bought about 3... but to get any elite goalie (what i want right now) just dont have enough income in division3.... i have got some pretty good players from my academy so far.... my whole first line is academy... looks like the 2nd place team got their goalie hurt for 18 weeks... sucks, and they lost this week.... there backup looks pretty bad, only 2 stars
Oh dag yo. I wondered how it was they lost 5-1. Looks like they got owned in tactics too.
just curious, gnovitske, why don't you play friendlies? might be able to generate some more coin that way.
well attendance is never to big from friendlies that i've seen. i been trying to conserve the players energy this yr... last yr my team ran outta energy and tanked at the end of the season....
do friendlies help with player development? i forget, been awhile since i read through all that
do friendlies help with player development? i forget, been awhile since i read through all that
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