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im pretty sure i toped out in 2 - 1 was in first or second before my comp blew up. ill get there again hopefully. its a marathon not a 100 yard dash when you play this game more of a bussines game really without the money you cant do anything. im having trouble finding defenseman that fit my team strategy at the moment.


just as a heads up for you guys theres a innactive czech team with some high free agents on market 2,500 or or so. too expensive for me but hockey.powerplaymanager.c...


So, I know this is my own fault, but...I bought a dude 19 days ago for 15.6 mil. He is now the best player on my team. He is 37, so not getting any better. His contract came up. I just assumed there wouldn't be significant bids. Well, I was wrong. Someone bid a little over 27 million.

It's a little frustrating because the value was nowhere near that less than three weeks ago, and I can't afford it/can't take out a loan (have one currently). It's my own fault, but a team like mine cannot become competitive if someone is drastically overvaluing players. Oh well. End of rant. I just lost my best player that I will have had for like three weeks lol. Nothing like renting a guy for a mil a day.


Make that 30 million. I guess I get a 10% discount.

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada Bobby Jay

Look on the bright side!! It will save you $82,000 a day in salary that you can put towards snack bars and press centers, that will positively help your overall income !!


The reason you got him for cheaper on auction is because his UFA contract was about to come due, and bidders didn't want to pay a large amount twice in a row.

Also, it seems like you're bidding on free agents without a reserve money buffer. This is a guaranteed way to lose good players off your roster. I would recommend to keep 50 million on hand and only bid your excess cash above that value, gradually raising the buffer amount as your free agents get more expensive.


Haha that is true!


Ahh yes, that seems right. Sad times. I think that's good advice. It just takes me a while to build up 50 mil lol.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

Somehow my third line LW who plays the point on the powerplay is leading the league in goal scoring.


powerplay can win you a lot of playoff games , Is it just me ? Or are defenseman very pricy nowadays. seems like wingers are a dime a dozen but seems to be a real shortage of shooting defenseman with a high enough technique not to get tons of penalties. its like 10 x the price of a comparable winger. i usualy build on defense but had to switch strategy. someone could make a fortune training defense right now.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

Congrats to the Razorback Thugs!

It's disappointing that I didn't manage to notch that last win to take the title. My team is probably at it's peak right now and will start declining now. The younger players who will take over as the older players retire aren't the same caliber and have been disappointing overall. I should be able to plug a few of my main holes (especially RW and C depth) through the market and remain competitive for at least a few more years (maybe 2-4). After that, I pretty much need to wait for my 22 and under prospects to mature.

I usually ignore the Cup and international tournaments to conserve energy for the U.S, title. Maybe I should attempt to make a run next season while I still have the chance.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA Headhog

Thanks Cap. The bottom line is you are one of the best teams.....if not the best we have. One rng difference would have put you as the could'nt get much closer. It's tough in 1.1 now. Nobody walks away with everything....every year. There are a few up and comers that are gonna be tough to deal with for many years also. It's gonna be more fun with a competitive league.......see you at the rink!

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA capsaicin

I decided to take the Champion's League a bit more seriously this season after all. I currently hold 2nd place in my group with 2 games left, a 6 point lead, and a +4 lead in GD. If I get a single point in one of the remaining two games (the second one is against the 3rd place team), the 3rd place team gets upset in the next game, or I manage to keep my GD up sufficiently, I could make the playoffs of the Champion's League for the first time (I usually just play on very low and ignore them to conserve energy). The 3rd place team is currently the strongest in the group (and 3rd in the world), so they might still be favored, but I have a good chance.

Właściciel pakietu PRO USA GopherJoe

Good luck! Would be nice to see USA competing deep in the tournament!


Good luck!

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