Advice for the New and Learning Player

Advice to the New and Learning Player
I am a very competitive person. I do not like to lose. For the last 443 days I have tried to build the most incredible Soccer team ever created. Don’t laugh, I have won my share of games (Cold Mountain Thunder). In four seasons, the Thunder has succeeded in winning 5 trophies, 2 League Cup Championships, and 1 League Championship. Season 11 has just finished and was my fourth season. There were no trophies this season to be placed in the trophy display case back at Cold Mountain team headquarters. Ouch, how can that happen? I have been a leader in my league every season, until now. Somehow, I found myself in the middle of the pack (I think it has a lot to do with promotion to II.3 and competing against higher quality opponents). Season 12 has just started and I already realize that Cold Mountain will not likely challenge for the trophy this season either. As bad as that sounds, I am very excited about my team’s progress last season and continuing growth this season. Last season I successfully placed 3x three-tier sections into my stadium (when they are completed my stadium will hold 9000 more fans than at the start of season 11). In addition to that, I have also continued to build my clubs facilities and have finally gotten my training facility and sports academy to 10+ soccer balls. So misquoting a cigarette company, “I’ve came a long way baby”.
My team has grew since its inception, but, it has a long way to go before I can claim to run a great team. With that said, I do believe that I can provide some advice for new and learning team owners. When I first began, I had no ideal how to build my team and probably still wouldn’t if it weren’t for help from others (Canucks… I know, I still ask for advice at least weekly). I suspect there are plenty of new owners feeling just like I did about a year ago; “How can I ever be competitive in this game?” This article will provide a little help. I would like to call it my “advice to the new and learning player”. Take it for what it is, one person’s advice on how to build a competitive soccer team. Ready or not here is my list of ways to become a better power play manger player in soccer or for that matter in any PPM sport.
Steps to Improving Your PPM Team
1) Read the PowerPlay Manager Information Guide. The information found in it will be helpful. The sections explain many critical parts to the game. Learn how to train your player, build your stadium, etc… better understanding how the game system runs.
(While you are reading, you should probably also read the FAQ and Rules and don’t miss articles that deal with understanding the game… for example, this great article about the Sports Academy )
2) Learn what skills each position on the team needs. Putting your players in the right position will quickly improve your team. Learn which attributes are important for each position and place players with needed skills in correct positions. Victories will come easier after this quick fix. (…also, now you can now better decide how to train your players to fit their roles).
3) Be a Great Financial Manager. Managing the finances of the team is extremely important. There are many ways to be successful in the finances category. I suggest balance, but, ask an expert or friend and they will likely give you other answers.
a. Pick up a few players from the market. Don’t try to pick up the greatest players on the market. You can’t afford high dollar players as a new team. Buy players within your budget. Improve your team, just don’t break the bank. Also, be careful, not to spend ALL of your budget on one type of player ( you need strikers, midfielders, defensemen and goal keepers).
b. Build your facilities and stadium as fast as you can. I know, that is a hard one to do. How do I buy players, build a stadium, and have the best facilities possible. You will find a wide variety of advice here and guarantee you that this is one of the toughest parts of the games for all new players.
c. Loans. My advice would be to try your best to avoid getting loans unless absolutely necessary. Each time that you take out a loan, you are losing money to the bank that could have been used to build or buy something else. Patience is a virtue that will pay off in the long run.
4) Set up your game plans to match your players and experiment with the settings until you find ones that work best for you. You’ve read the guide and should have a decent understanding of the tactics. Experiment with the settings. Find the settings that best match your team and use them. Try different lineups against your opponents. With time, you will find ways to win games that early on seemed impossible to win.
5) Make friends with others in your league. Socrates once said “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” I have found that philosophy to be very valuable when listening to other senior and more experienced players. Other players know things that you don’t and can help you become a better player. When you play other teams, don’t be afraid to complement them and get to know them. If they write back, build a relationship and ask them questions. You will likely be surprised at how helpful others can be. I’ve build great relationships with many others during my time with the game. (ie. Tripwire, mmessner9, & Zentrix5900 are some of my 1st and still very good PPM friends)
6) PPM helpers can help you with hard to answer questions. If your friends can’t answer your harder questions, seek help from one of the PPM helpers. They can and will provide additional advice. They may only be able to give you their opinion, but, it can help confirm what you were already thinking.
7) Don’t give up. Just when you think you haven’t got a chance, something will happen to turn the season around. If you keep losing, realize that you are building for the future and if relegation is part of your future then there is always the big bonus for being promoted when your team rebounds next season.
8) If totally frustrated today, come back later today or tomorrow. Make sure that your team is set up for tomorrow. Log-off and come back new either later in the day, or tomorrow. The team will still be here and you’ll probably have a new outlook by then.
9) At least check on your team once each day. Just like any other sports team. Coaching and managing is a daily activity. If you want to win, you’ve got to put a little effort into it.
Good luck and hope this article helps you and your team achieve greatness.