这次我为您带来了不少的好消息。您可能已经注意到在阵容页面中加入了一项新的特性,在该页面的底部会有导入在最近7天之内您的球队所使用过的比赛阵容的选项。 通过使用这个选项您可以便捷地使用您之前所使用过的联赛出场阵容和友谊赛出场阵容而不用每天重新对它们进行设置。那些没有PRO包的用户一直在抱怨管理出场阵容的枯燥与麻烦,现在有了这项新特性以后就可以更加轻松地管理比赛出场阵容了。不过有一点您需要知道的是,导入的阵容里没有安排队长,副队长以及罚球队员,您仍需要手动设置他们。另一项重要的事情是在导入的阵容中备用队员会打和所导入的上一场比赛中相同的位置。
Another new feature is the possibility to copy an existing lineup. If you have more lineups and you want to create a similar lineup to the one you already have, you can copy it with a click of mouse button. Then you can simply modify the details that you want to change. You can copy your default lineup into the A or B lineup and make the necessary changes. This may reduce your time spent on lineup management.
I hope you will like our new features and that the game will again become more enjoyable to play.
One more thing. There are 2 new and important rules:
If a player or a staff member is sold on the market for a price that highly exceeds the regular market price of similar players and staff members, the gamemaster can compensate this by deducting part of the selling price from the account of the seller. This compensation is not considered a punishment and it can be done even if the seller is not responsible for the excessive price. The judgement whether the price is too high is up to an individual decision of the gamemaster.
If more than one person is playing PowerPlay Manager in one household, they cannot buy or trade their players and/or staff members under any circumstances. It is also not recommended to play too many friendly games against each other as that may lead to a suspicion of multiplaying.
Have a nice day.

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