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  Тема: II.1


i have not tested it, but i believe Regen start to lose impact after 1 level higher than TF.
From when I made analyse it should not be more than 2 levels behind, 1 level behind made more impact than upgrading TF.

in short, when i did my testing .. on TF 12, Regen 9, it would make more impact to upgrade regen than TF.


TF is more important than Regen, but if you leave regen way behind, upgrading TF further will give less impact than upgrading Regen.

So... that is why i said not to forget Regen...

how much it impacts i dont recall. i dont have my excel anymore


You can't really do it like you say though... because training is also indirectly effected by seasonal energy changes.

A player who starts with 90 seasonal energy and loses 8 energy from playing a game will be at 82 energy when the training calcs are done. Whereas if you look at him on the first day of the season, he'd be at 92 energy when the training calcs are done.

So... rough example... if you did your first "analysis" on day 96 of one season... and then again after your facility completes construction on day 3 of the next season... of course your training levels will be "vastly improved." They would've been vastly improved just because it was early in the season (even without any changes in your facilities).

The only way that you could do it your way is to take two players of the same age, with the same CL, with the exact same quality rating in the exact same stat (say... 87 FiP quality). Have one of them play 60:00 the first day of the season (when they both have exactly 100 energy), and the other not.

But even then, you still have daily variances in player training (a player who never plays, and trains the same stat every day, will not have the same practice output). So the result still won't be accurate or reliable. You'd have to do this SEVERAL times and then make a conclusion based on the entire set of data to really be sure.


dont u have players u never play? come on! it is easy to do on those great prospect u get and leave there sitting without playing for a long time.
or even crap player that happens to have one great quality.

if you want to study it it is very very very easy.
and he only needs to play ONE game to check affect on how it improves while playing.

age doesnt affect anything. only CL


This also assumes that you play EVERY player on your roster in every game.

Upgrading your TF helps players sitting on your bench drastically more than upgrading your Regen facility does.

So sure, maybe your top 14 guys (the guys who actually play) might get a 20% bump in their training from increasing the lower Regen facility (as opposed to a 10% bump from increasing your already higher TF).

But the guys on the bench, might get a 30% increase from increasing the TF while they might get only 0-5% for an increase in the Regen Facility.

The total effect (in my eyes) of having a higher TF is greater, because a Regen Facility MOSTLY only helps those players who actually play (half your roster at best).


and before u even say more, i even removed staff from that analysis day so there would be no staff effect.

but anyways, well. take it for what it is.


Age does effect things. I have players with the EXACT same EQ, same training ratios, and same CL, and yet, all else being as even as I can make it, the older players train less each month than the younger players.

Even just looking at a single day the results are the same.

Consider the following:

Quentin Wiley
Age: 20
Seasonal energy: 94
Played yesterday: no
CL: 4/6
FiP quality: 74
Yesterday's FiP training: 1.12

Sheppard Lawrence
Age: 23
Seasonal energy: 94
Played yesterday: no
CL: 4/6
FiP quality: 80
Yesterday's FiP training: 1.07

So literally everything being the same except age and the quality of the FiP stat, Sheppard Lawrence trained WORSE despite having a FiP quality 6 points higher than Quentin Wiley .


there is no need to play every player. dont know why u think this way.

all you need is try to eliminate factors: CL. Energy, Quality.

the way i did was try to make analysis on player on maxed of the factors: CL 6/6, Quality close to 99 and Energy 100.

then you can make analysis on every TF/Regen upgrade.
1. sit player - check training
2. play full match - check training
3. play half game - check training 0 i didnt do it, but whatever.

then repeat it. during analysis. then u have to choose how to do: how/when to upgrade Regen.

And from mostly helping players who play it is also not true. I know its dumb but it does help players that sit considerably.


I just find that all very hard to believe. I had a level 13 TF until just about 40 days ago, and I've had a level 11 or 12 Regen facility for a while too.

Yet despite my team having a similar average age, AQ, and CL to many other teams with much better Regen facilities, I haven't seen much of a difference in my team's training over time.

Maybe I've been "luckier" with pulls from the SA or whatever... but I'd assume that to smooth over time as well.

The teams that I've lagged behind in terms of training, have been the teams with higher TF... not those with higher Regen than me.


Only have one 4/6 player that didnt play and has pretty bad quality. but my 4/6 players that player have better training than yours that didnt play.

the one that didnt play was worse but his quality is worse too.

Vasyl Salnykov played
speed 97
CL 4/6
energy: 92
training: 1.39

Kenneth Kennedy
Pas: 75, 4/6 ene 94
training: 1.14

Tom Soc
didnt play
spe: 63, 4/6 ene 99
training: 0.99

Anyways, its best to look at 6/6 as a 4/6 that is close to 3/6 is much worse than a 6/6 that is close to 5/6 and thus more reliable.


my SA was level 12 for a long long while. I only recently upgraded it to 14. so my starting Or players were always much worse than most


Okay... well... This is probably the best comparable then so far.

Sławomir Kardyka
CL: 4/6
Sho quality: 95
Played 27:33 yesterday on HIGH
seasonal energy: 93
training: 1.47

Compare that to Vasyl Salnykov .

My guy had HIGHER training even though he expended MORE energy in yesterday's game, has the SAME CL, and LOWER quality. My team has the SAME level of TF and a LOWER level Regen than yours.

Tell me again that age doesn't affect training.

Владелец PRO пакета США capsaicin

Since my decision to post only the TF rankings on a whim lead to an argument about whether the RF is important or really important, I am posting the remaining rankings now. The point of these rankings is to compare the progress of teams in the United States in key areas of infrastructure rather than a sort of power ranking. Rankings between teams that are tied are arbitrary.

Arena (20,000 seats completed or in progress):
Coin Flips
Team USA
Red Star
Orlando Generals
Renamed 15881
Cunning Procrastinators
Erratic Emus
Mojo Xpress
Covington Rowdies

Training Facility:
Mojo Xpress
Erratic Emus
Dummkopf HSV
Renamed 15881
Cunning Procrastinators
Fighting Okra
Covington Rowdies
Orlando Generals

Regeneration Facility:
Renamed 15881
Erratic Emus
Covington Rowdies

Human Resources and Economic Department:
Renamed 15881
Erratic Emus
Mojo Xpress
Covington Rowdies
Fighting Okra

Sports Academy:
Mojo Xpress
Cunning Procrastinators
Badel 1983
Erratic Emus
Green Bay Top Flight
Edison Illuminating Co.
Renamed 15881
Covington Rowdies
Team USA
Cold Mountain Strikes
Orlando Generals
San Crispino
Rub and Tuggers
Hannover Fisters
Fighting Okra


age does not affect, CL does.
even though they have the same 4/6 mine is more close to 3/6 while yours perhaps just turned 4/6

a player that just turned 20 an turned 4/6 is as good as a player that just turned 22 and 4/6

but a 19yo that just turned 4/6 is much better than a 22 that has been 4/6 for 3 seasons.

that is why i say to make this analysis it is best to do on a 6/6 young player with close to max quality on any attribute


Straight from the guide:

As the career longevity decreases and the player gets older, the ability to improve decreases too.

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