Hi, I could not find a place where I could post this, so I hope this is ok:
If you have any talented danish players please upload them to our database at
or send me a private message. We are looking for players with 240/120/120 in primary/secondary/secondary attributes with decent shot (and technique if he is defencemen)
Ragoon, NT coach of Denmark
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Ukoliko neko ima talentovanog igraca iz Srbije, slobodno me kontaktirajte ili posaljite na ovaj topik ppm.powerplaymanager.com/...
Ukoliko neko ima talentovanog igraca iz Srbije, slobodno me kontaktirajte ili posaljite na ovaj topik ppm.powerplaymanager.com/...
Hi boys and girls,
If you have any Romanian player, which you consider that he can join Romanian NT please upload it on repre.webdesigner4you.cz/... or on ppm.powerplaymanager.com/... or send me a private message !
Thanks a lot !
If I posted in a wrong location, please send me a link with correct thread.
If you have any Romanian player, which you consider that he can join Romanian NT please upload it on repre.webdesigner4you.cz/... or on ppm.powerplaymanager.com/... or send me a private message !
Thanks a lot !
If I posted in a wrong location, please send me a link with correct thread.
We are looking for Swedish hockey players who could take a place in the Swedish national team.
The demands on the players.
Defence - 240, Passing - 120, aggressive - 120, Technique - 120
Offense - 240, Passing - 120, Technique - 120, Shooting - 150
Offense - 240, Technique - 120, aggressive - 120, Shooting - 150
Please take them on this page, or email us here at the PPM!
http://repre.webdesigner4you.c z/sweden/players.html
Have a nice day.
//Team Sweden
We are looking for Swedish hockey players who could take a place in the Swedish national team.
The demands on the players.
Defence - 240, Passing - 120, aggressive - 120, Technique - 120
Offense - 240, Passing - 120, Technique - 120, Shooting - 150
Offense - 240, Technique - 120, aggressive - 120, Shooting - 150
Please take them on this page, or email us here at the PPM!
http://repre.webdesigner4you.c z/sweden/players.html
Have a nice day.
//Team Sweden
hey guys, i'm the manager for canadian national team, and we're looking for canadian players
here's the build i'm looking for, and you guys can submit your canadian players via this link:
goalies: goa-pas-tec 2-1-1
defensive defense: def-pas-tec-agr 2-1-1-1
offensive defense: def-pas-tec-agr 2-1(+20)-1(-20)-1 with minimum 40 off and 80 sho
playmaking centres: off-sho-pas-tec 10-2-5-5
centres: off-sho-pas-tec 10-7-5-5
wingers: off-sho-tec-agr 6-5-3(+20)-3 and passing is a bonus
defensive forwards: with the build listed above, 60+ def
please note that this is only a build guide i'm looking for. even if your player isn't built to these ratio, please submit them anyways! i also would like to emphasize the importance on shooting
200 on the primary is the minimum to submit a canadian roster/depth player
if there is any question regarding the ratios i mentioned above, please ask me
maximum 19 years old
minimum 5/6 cl
minimum 75 quality for each positional qualities
minimum level 12 training facility
minimum level 10 regen facility
i'll be looking at age, cl, preferred side, positional quality, shooting quality, training facility, regen facility, OR in comparison to other players of the same age
there is no minimum requirements in terms of primary and OR for prospects submission
managers can contact me via pm and the deadline is saturday according to ppm calender
thanks all!
here's the build i'm looking for, and you guys can submit your canadian players via this link:
goalies: goa-pas-tec 2-1-1
defensive defense: def-pas-tec-agr 2-1-1-1
offensive defense: def-pas-tec-agr 2-1(+20)-1(-20)-1 with minimum 40 off and 80 sho
playmaking centres: off-sho-pas-tec 10-2-5-5
centres: off-sho-pas-tec 10-7-5-5
wingers: off-sho-tec-agr 6-5-3(+20)-3 and passing is a bonus
defensive forwards: with the build listed above, 60+ def
please note that this is only a build guide i'm looking for. even if your player isn't built to these ratio, please submit them anyways! i also would like to emphasize the importance on shooting
200 on the primary is the minimum to submit a canadian roster/depth player
if there is any question regarding the ratios i mentioned above, please ask me
maximum 19 years old
minimum 5/6 cl
minimum 75 quality for each positional qualities
minimum level 12 training facility
minimum level 10 regen facility
i'll be looking at age, cl, preferred side, positional quality, shooting quality, training facility, regen facility, OR in comparison to other players of the same age
there is no minimum requirements in terms of primary and OR for prospects submission
managers can contact me via pm and the deadline is saturday according to ppm calender
thanks all!
Hi friends!
I'm looking for brazilian players for selection. Follow the requirements:
Defenders: Def 250, Pas 125, Tec 115, Agr 125
Centers: Off 250, Sho 140, Pas 130, Tec 1630
Wings: Off 250, Sho 150, Pas 130, Tec 130
CL 3/6 or higher
These players should have good qualities.
Other players:
CL 5/6 or higher
OR 450+
Good qualities
Enter your player at repre.webdesigner4you.cz/... or send me a message if you have any similar player. Please, remember that such players must have good qualities.
Thank you!
I'm looking for brazilian players for selection. Follow the requirements:
Defenders: Def 250, Pas 125, Tec 115, Agr 125
Centers: Off 250, Sho 140, Pas 130, Tec 1630
Wings: Off 250, Sho 150, Pas 130, Tec 130
CL 3/6 or higher
These players should have good qualities.
Other players:
CL 5/6 or higher
OR 450+
Good qualities
Enter your player at repre.webdesigner4you.cz/... or send me a message if you have any similar player. Please, remember that such players must have good qualities.
Thank you!
Hi to all!
If you have any hockey player Spanish, interesting for the national teams of Spain, Senior, U-20 or U-18, you can upload it to this database.
Thank you.
If you have any hockey player Spanish, interesting for the national teams of Spain, Senior, U-20 or U-18, you can upload it to this database.
Thank you.
If you have or know some Swedish U20 players, please contact me!
20 years: 980+ ts
18-19 years: 840+ ts
Should train:
Center: Off:100% Sho:50-75% Pas:50-75% Tec:50%
Winger: Off:100% Sho:50-75% Tec:50% Agr:50%(or a little bit under)
Defender: Def:100% Pas:50-75% Tec:50% Agr:50-75%
Golie: Goa: 100% Pas:50% Tec:50%
(The training % is roughly)
20 years: 980+ ts
18-19 years: 840+ ts
Should train:
Center: Off:100% Sho:50-75% Pas:50-75% Tec:50%
Winger: Off:100% Sho:50-75% Tec:50% Agr:50%(or a little bit under)
Defender: Def:100% Pas:50-75% Tec:50% Agr:50-75%
Golie: Goa: 100% Pas:50% Tec:50%
(The training % is roughly)
Hi, you have italian player that have the following requirements, please contact us!
Under 20, manager beppe77
19 years >850 AT
20 years >950 AT
Under 18, manager Wilander
15 years >350AT, AvQ >65%
16 years >420AT, AvQ >65%
17 years >650AT, AvQ >65%
18 years >730AT, AvQ >65%
Under 20, manager beppe77
19 years >850 AT
20 years >950 AT
Under 18, manager Wilander
15 years >350AT, AvQ >65%
16 years >420AT, AvQ >65%
17 years >650AT, AvQ >65%
18 years >730AT, AvQ >65%
If you have or know some Serbian U20 players, please contact me!
Serbia-U20 NT requirements:
Goaltenders: No requirements
Defencemans: Def 300 - Pas 150 - Agr 150
Wingers: Off 300 - Sho 100 - Pas 150 - Agr 150
Centers: No requrements
Serbia-U20 NT requirements:
Goaltenders: No requirements
Defencemans: Def 300 - Pas 150 - Agr 150
Wingers: Off 300 - Sho 100 - Pas 150 - Agr 150
Centers: No requrements
Hi. I am a new manager team Ukraine. If someone has ukrainian players 21+ and OR 1000+, please add them to the database
nt-hockey.czechppm.cz/ukr... Thanks
nt-hockey.czechppm.cz/ukr... Thanks
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