Introducing Season Four's Team Canada

Hello Canadian and fellow PPM Managers,
I just wanted to inform you that the National Team selection process is finished. Some of you may notice a nice Canadian Flag beside some of your players and for that I congratulate you on providing some great players to play for our nation. If this applies to you we will be working closely over the next few months to make this year's national team a success. If none of your players were selected we want to take this time to thank-you for taking the time to submit your players. There are still ten spots open that will be filled prior to the tournament's start date. If you have any questions as to why some of your players were not taken feel free to private message me, canucks357, personally. As cliche as it is, I cannot stress how tough many decisions were. There were over 200 great players submitted. This speaks volumes to our youth and development program here in Canada. Keep up the great work.
There are some critical things that we, the management team, ask of you. Energy conservation is as important to the national team's success as it is to your team's success. We hope that by selecting your players you will help us win by playing low importance as much as possible. We will also be requesting preferences from all managers who have players on the national team. This preference is in regards to whether you wish to have your players "with the national team" on days they aren't in the lineup or if you would prefer them not to be called up. The question is simply would you prefer a training boost or have them available for Saturday friendly games.
With the business side of things completed I wish to announce this year's team. We wish everyone the best of luck in this season's endeavors. Team Canada's roster can be seen below (* indicates new addition to the club):
Goaltenders (4):
#1 Noah Tierney
#30 Justin Ludlam
*#31 Steve Morrissey
*#35 Tim Newton
Defencemen (14):
#2 Geoffrey Goodhind
#4 Alexis Newsome
#5 Matthew Parlour
#6 Samuel De Bont
#7 Joe Crooks
#8 Alex Thatcher
#9 Billy Duxbury
*#22 Daniel Barras
*#27 Correy Cox
*#50 Bobby Horsfield
*#55 Kevin Newton
*#56 Wesley Chamberlain
*#62 Roger Widdrington
*#70 Gregory Howells
Forwards (22):
#10 Stu Fotiadis
#11 Pierre Stamp
#12 Rob McKenzie
#14 David Speeding
#15 Ed Prior
#16 James Dublin
#17 Corey Fortin
#18 Steve Whitton
*#19 Rick Slater
#20 Rick Showler
#21 Dennis Painter
*#23 Julian Dudfield
*#24 Jeremy Hendrie
*#25 Earl Duberry
*#26 Keith Hails
*#28 David Mohan
*#43 Guy Grayson
*#44 Marcel Alexander
*#66 Dan Bent
#76 William Beliveau
*#77 Jeff Finn
*#88 Darryl Chippure
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