One of my players who I just sent to training camp has gone and got himself injured (20 days!!).
Does he still get the required training bonus?
If not, what can I do?
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No, he won't get any bonus since he doesn't train ! You can't do anything ! It's just bad luck !
Can someone explain the 'Puck' thing to me? I don't play football, so this is a bit over my head...! Thanks
It's the same thing as in football:
Only difference is that it is a puck in stead of a pennant.
Only difference is that it is a puck in stead of a pennant.
Thanks for the link. That was my point though; i don't have a football team, so pennants is something new to me (as well as pucks). But they are permanent, yeah? You can't change them as you can logos or names?
Does Automated training mean they train in those percentages, or that the player will try and attain skills in those percentages?
E.g. if I wanted a player to be 100-50-50, would training 2-1-1 work, or would I need to adjust it according to the quality of each of those attributes?
E.g. if I wanted a player to be 100-50-50, would training 2-1-1 work, or would I need to adjust it according to the quality of each of those attributes?
They train in those percentages. I'm not sure if they stop training once they have reached the figures set so i would set training to 500-250-250. Both secondary will go up a digit and then the primary will go up twice.
It does not matter if you set 100-50-50, 2-1-1 or 1000-500-500.
I my self use 100 as primary, so it's easy to set up everything else and have it in percent.
I my self use 100 as primary, so it's easy to set up everything else and have it in percent.
It works on the ratio, not the absolute value so yes you can put 2-1-1 if you wanted to train primary twice as much as the two secondaries
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