Käsipall: Koondise peatreeneri koha kandidaatide suur ülevaade!

Kandidaate on meil tänavu kokku üheksa, ning esitasime paar küsimust kandidaatidele, kes olid oma kõne kirjutanud eesti või inglise keeles. Küsimused said saadetud seitsmele kandidaadile, ning kuus nendest võttis oma tihedast graafikust ka aega vastata. Ilma pikema jututa, siin on meie kandidaad!
corinthian -
HC Areal -
Kõne: Kandideerin rahvuskoondise peatreeneriks sest praegu pole paremat kandidaati üleval ja me kõik mäletame mis möödunud hooajal juhtus...jah me kaotasime palju mänge aga kaotused ongi need läbi mille manager kogemusi saab.Igatahes pole minu arust õige kui rahvusmeeskonna treeneriks on inimene kes eesti keelt ei valda.Sellepärast ka kandideerin.Olen aktiivne mängija.
1. Mis teeb sinust parema valiku, kui teised kandidaadid?
V: Rahvuskoondise treener peab valdama eesti keelt.,kui keegi teine eestlane oleks kandideerinud-oleksin ma teda toetanud ja poleks ise enda kandidatuuri üles pannud.
2. Kas sul on abitreener juba olemas? Kui mitte, kas siis eelistad eestist kedagi või vaatad kellegi poole, kes samuti oma kandidatuuri üles on pannud?
V: Tahaksin kindlasti teha pakkumise managerile Ivar45 hakata eesti käsipalli koondise abitreeneriks.Tal on palju rohkem kogemusi ja ka on tema teamis kõige rohkem rahvuskoondise mängijaid.
3. Millised oleks sinu eesmärgid Eesti koondisega?
V: Eesmärgiks oleks ikka lõpetada hooaeg võimalikult kõrgel kohal.
Tatran Vinohrady -
Kõne: Hi, Estonia. I am manager from II.3 Slovakian league. I am convinced i can succeed with your representation because I am experienced an willing to co-operate with your best managers. I will be thankful for every vote. Hope to see you as NT manager of Estonia soon.
1. Mis teeb sinust parema valiku, kui teised kandidaadid?
V: I spend a lot of time here every day. Honestly, I cannot remember last time I was here for less than 2 hours . Another reason is that(IMO) I am tactically skilled enough to compete in the highest level. I am ready to co-operate with the best mangers of Estonia, whether it will be by selecting the players for NT or choosing the right tactics for following match. Another reason is I want to be active, I want other managers to join interest in NT by writing some article about the selection, about our plans, be active in discussions over NT. That is my goals if I were elected as NT manager of Estonia.
2. Kas sul on abitreener juba olemas? Kui mitte, kas siis eelistad eestist kedagi või vaatad kellegi poole, kes samuti oma kandidatuuri üles on pannud?
V: Yes, I would like my leaguemate Sisyphus to become my assistant. I respect this manager a lot. He achieved some big things in Slovakian II.3 league(it is one of the toughest league in Slovakia), altough he had one of the weakest teams. But I am not sure whether he would accept the assistant role, I have not asked him yet. So If he was to refuse, I would definitely like to have one of the best Estonian managers by my side.
3. Millised oleks sinu eesmärgid Eesti koondisega?
V: The main goal would be to reach World Championship, that is for sure. Then anything can happen during the WCH. I do not want to promise you that with me as a national team manager we cannot lose and we will win everything. But there is one thing I can make you sure about : I will do my best to succeed and achieve the best possible results.
jgcapelli -
Iguassu Falls Tabor -
Kõne: Participate in the PPM mode handball from day one, I have great experience in the simulator. It takes serious work in teams based national team, heavy investment in academies of sport and its employees in the juvenile attribute, so only the primary selection in the future will play equal with the great. Intend to do this administrative work together with the national teams of technicians. It is a work of medium and long term.
1. Mis teeb sinust parema valiku, kui teised kandidaadid?
V: Participate in the PPM mode handball from day one, I have great experience in the simulator. It takes serious work in teams based national team, heavy investment in academies of sport and its employees in the juvenile attribute, so only the primary selection in the future will play equal with the great. Intend to do this administrative work together with the national teams of technicians. It is a work of medium and long term.
2. Kas sul on abitreener juba olemas? Kui mitte, kas siis eelistad eestist kedagi või vaatad kellegi poole, kes samuti oma kandidatuuri üles on pannud?
V: I intend to invite, if elected, the runner-up to be assistant, provided you have that mentality of planning as said earlier.
3. Millised oleks sinu eesmärgid Eesti koondisega?
V: The goal of any coach are the titles. My could not be different. But we know that the Estonian NT is atualemente behind other teams, and that will only change when a serious work based on the investment is made, together with the national coaches.
semkall -
Ādažu Gepards -
Kõne: Hi!
Vote for me and you was chanpion
1. Mis teeb sinust parema valiku, kui teised kandidaadid?
V: In my opinion, I m pretty experienced. I played this game for 4 years, a lot of what I have learned. Handball I have developed a pretty good team. I have compiled the best Estonian players.Also, I have had experience with the national teams, I m Latvian U-17 coach asitents
2. Kas sul on abitreener juba olemas? Kui mitte, kas siis eelistad eestist kedagi või vaatad kellegi poole, kes samuti oma kandidatuuri üles on pannud?
V: I have an assistant, but the only mention of their victories case But it is unlikely that I am going to win.
3. Millised oleks sinu eesmärgid Eesti koondisega?
V: My goal -palying to World Championship
luksol - HBC Flyers New Bor -
Kõne: Hi everyone,
gold medal is never too high! But stay on ground, qualification could be harder than we think. But I will do my best to win!
1. Mis teeb sinust parema valiku, kui teised kandidaadid?
V: Well, I can't say that I'm better than the others. I'm not so selfish (You know what I mean yea?) saying: "I'm the best, chose me!" isn't the best way I think. But I've started to play handball in beta version so I think I have some experience. And the good reason is that I want to have some feedback from Estonian managers. I can improve results, based on feedback.
2. Kas sul on abitreener juba olemas? Kui mitte, kas siis eelistad eestist kedagi või vaatad kellegi poole, kes samuti oma kandidatuuri üles on pannud?
V: Yes. I asked my friend from Czech republic, but it is not my final choice. Maybe I could have assistant from Estonia.
3. Millised oleks sinu eesmärgid Eesti koondisega?
V: The main goal is getting on World championship (be at least 3rd in qualification group). Then try to get to Play-off. But you know I can't promise anythink. I can only do my best.
nabby20 -
San Jose Sharks CZ -
Kõne: Hi I want to be your national manager. I am very active and I will do everything to bring you to the top so vote me please! =)For those who will vote for me I will do contest about assistant.
1. Mis teeb sinust parema valiku, kui teised kandidaadid?
V: I am on PPM every day, from sports on PPM handball is best. Although I am from Czech Republic but my two great players are from Estonia so I decided to I try to stand as a candidate. This season I got to the finals. Manager representations I have not but if I will manager to I do everything possible to get Estonia to the top.
2. Kas sul on abitreener juba olemas? Kui mitte, kas siis eelistad eestist kedagi või vaatad kellegi poole, kes samuti oma kandidatuuri üles on pannud?
V: I would do "competition". Those who voted for me so I'll give them a game and who beats me about the most goals and he will be an assistant.
3. Millised oleks sinu eesmärgid Eesti koondisega?
V: I will try to Estonia got to the top.
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