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  PowerPlay Magazyn

Top prospect of December

Top prospect of December

Another month and another top prospect award. This is the best talent for the month of December.

The top prospect of the month of December is Radek Levý. Congratulations!

This talented forward was raised in the sports academy of team Buldogg.

The player has overall rating of 277 and the average quality of 87%.

Once again congratulations and we wish him a lot of success.

I would also like to remind everybody that this competition is still going, even though the participation is not great.

Every PPM month we pick the best player coming out of a sports academy into the world of PPM.

Only players with overall rating over 200 and average quality over 65% may enter the competition!

The player must be scouted for proper evaluation!!

You can enter your prospects by sending a screenshot of the player's profile to email until the 5th day of the following month. The subject of the email should be Top prospect of the month.

(screenshot = a snapshot of the screen with the player's profile => not data in textual form!)

How to make a screenshot

Only the OR and AvQ will be published in the Top prospect of the month announcement!

Other data about the player will not be published and/or disclosed to a third person!