Having a Life
Hard to do. Not enough hours in a day, really; that's the problem.
Wake up in the morning with the sun pouring through the window, wishing I'd drawn the blinds, but knowing that I have to get to work. Suddenly, fifty separate tasks flash across my consciousness. I try to hang onto a few, knowing I'll need to check my list anyways, and reminding myself to update it. Shit and shave (at the same time, while consuming another half chapter of the Game of Thrones books). Quick shower, then to the office. Down a coffee and check the emails. First call. First meeting. Another of each. Suddenly it's 11:30.
S*&t! I forgot to set my f*#@ing lineup! And it's playoffs!
12:00pm . Game time. Thank goodness my lineup is already set! The friendly ran its course with the typical friendly lineup and tactics. Didn't get a moment to tweak the tactics, but I won the last league game. Fingers crossed... Success! On to the next placement round! Lunch time! Sun's out and I'm feeling alright.
At the office for another 7 or 8 hours, minimum. Sigh. Take a few PPM breaks between calls and to pass the various writer's blocks throughout the day.
Check the Team tab. Scan the news and accept a challenge. Next game? View team analysis, OTS chart. Set general and special teams tactics. Weigh tactical decisions and make quick decisions. Back to work.
Another break. Check the progress of arena, facilities, and staff. Don't need to reset anything. Everything looks good. Player practice ratios are set and the ratios are looking good. Ditto staff. Nobody is over-training, so I'm not overpaying. Check the bank account. Funds are on the rise, good. Getting close enough to buy a new stud player for next season and don't have any major pending facility or arena expenses. Yes... Excellent.
Home at about 9pm. Whip up some dinner. Catch the end of the ball game. Watch a recorded show. Yawn. One more show. Yawn. Bedtime.
Repeat and repeat and repeat.
Weekends are catch-up. Run errands, maintain real life relationships and friendships, and, of course, more time at the office. PPM is neglected. I miss a 50k login and curse myself for a moment. Draft is upcoming and I have a hockey game at the same time, so I won't be able to be there. That's ok, because I've got my order pre-set.
Long story short, it's not easy running a successful PPM team and staying engaged with this great game while working long hours, keeping a significant other satisfied, maintaining friendships, and otherwise living a life in the real world. It's a helluva lot harder without the PPM Pro-Pack and all the time-saving features it offers. In addition to those features, I am granted an advantage in the power of additional information -- I know when my players' CLs dropped and can compare my team against my opponents' on various statistics that aren't otherwise available. Knowledge is power!
The advantages aren't insurmountable, but the time saving features are invaluable. Without the Pro-Pack, I'd spend countless hours per week setting lineups and carefully monitoring progress. I'd do it too, because it's worth it, but it would be to the detriment of the hours I can bill and the maintenance of my real world relationships. Definitely worth the cost measured against the opportunity cost.
Also, check out my sweet jerseys. Intimidating, right?
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