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  Temat: Nationalmannschaft


So jetzt ist es möglich sich als Kandidat aufzustellen.

Gibts schon motivierte, forumsaktive Personen die eine Bewerbung in Betracht ziehen? Man hat ja jetzt gut Zeit sich vorzubereiten.

Kapitan zespołu narodowego Szwajcaria rolist

Motiviert: ja
Forumsaktiv: ja (denke ich zumindest)
Zeit: leider nein
Zudem denke ich ist die Ballung zweier Nationalmannschaften auf 1 Manager nicht förderlich, ausser es gibt keine Alternativen.
Ich zumindest habe mühe mich voll auf die U17 UND meine Mannschaft zu konzentrieren (siehe meine gestrige Niederlage, wobei diese äusserst fragwürdig zustande kam!
Fazit: Nein ich werde nicht kandidieren. :-)


Mein Zustand sieht so ziemlich ähnlich aus. :P

Tłumacz WalterWhite

Hello everybody. You can read my application on the elections site of your NT. If you have any questions or some info you want from me just ask and I will answer them here.

Tłumacz WalterWhite

If anybody wants to know I have a list of 25 best players that your country can provide. I have been going through all teams and all transfers this and last season and came up with top 25 players for the potential National team. I have 23 players and 2 goalkeepers. Average OR of the top 14 players ( without the goalkeepers ) is 294,93 which is very good and with solid goalkeepers that this national team has it has a great potential to make some seious results if the right man manages it the right way. Things that are important to enter the National team to me are not only big OR. It's important that the player is trained the right way, that he has potential to become a future star of the National team depending on the qualities of his attributes, also it's important for the manager to communicate with the club manager to get the players on the right way. What can I offer as manager? Knowledge and expirience, total preparation depending on the opponents tactical consistency, the way he trains players, scouting and collecting all the data necessary for the players of the current and future National team... Also I would like my assistant to be from Switzerland, proprably one of the candidates, as it is thought that they have prepared themselves for the National team duties and would fit perfectly. I hope you like my way of thinking and share it with me. If you need more info about me or my vision just ask :)


What is the right way to train a player for you?

Tłumacz WalterWhite

Even the research on that is still undergoing in my opinion training depends on the position of the player but an universal ratio I would recommend is 80-60-50-40-40 where 80 is the primary attribute, 60 secondary, etc. Example: If you train a wing palyer I would recommend Field play 80, speed 60, technique 50, passing and aggressiveness 40.

Kapitan zespołu narodowego Szwajcaria rolist

In my opinion you're not far away from my idea of correct skilling relation, but to high in C- and D-Skills.

Tłumacz WalterWhite

maybe this early in the game is too ambitious but in a season or two with great trainers and facilities I think it would be a great way of training...

Właściciel pakietu PRO Szwajcaria Nibi

what's about shooting skill?

Tłumacz WalterWhite

It's handball. Every player needs to know to score a goal. It implies that you need to train shooting skill with the rest of the skills... :)

Tłumacz WalterWhite

Potential player list for the future nationl team has been updated for possible entries form saturday and new juniors...


Schade knapp 25:27 gegen die Slowakei verloren


Quali läuft schlecht .... uuuu:-?

Właściciel pakietu PRO Szwajcaria uebungsleiter

Ha, da verfolgt sogar jemand die Nati...
Spass beiseite, die Quali ist eine reine Katastrophe!!!

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