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  Temat: Pool : FL2 - Fantasy League 2


a toi


Le calendrier est fait, je vous le publie ce soir si possible ! Il n y aura pas de matchs entre le 20 décembre et le 6 janvier ! L organisateur sera en vacances !


1. Tomasz Barzycki, GK The Mighty Oil, Isyl
2. Wojciech Sugier, C , The Mighty Oil, Isyl
3. Noah Tierney, G , Montreal Strippers, ClemVoiron
4. Janosch Alberst, W , The Mighty Oil, ClemVoiron
5. Derrell Zabek, GK, Montreal Sasquatch, Msa83
6. Christoffer Kontiokorpi, W, MontReal Sasquatch, Msa83
7. Easley reporté
8. Easley reporté
9. Brock Anderson, G, Le royal, dodoh34
10. Colten Pannebaker, A, Montreal Sasquatch, dodoh34
11. Seamus O'Neill, G Biznows, Mich
12. Mikko Storr, D, Biznows, Mich

13. Tomasz Maksymiuk, Def Biznows, Isyl
14. Lawrence McGinnis, W Montreal Sasquatch Isyl
15. Lucas Landstrom, C Montreal Strippers ClemVoiron
16. Ognjen Grujic, D Les Sanguinaires ClemVoiron
17. Ludvig Sandberg, C, Montreal Sasquatch
18. Luc Hickey, W, The Mighty Oil, Msa83
19. Alan Dellow, W, Le royal, Easley
20. Wes Hollister, D, Steamers, Easley
21. Clay Morneau, D, The Flying Frenchmen, dodoh34
22. Ejolf Stoss, C, Bulldogs de Terrebonne, dodoh34
23. Mich reporté
24. Mich reporté

25. Armands Sotņikovs C Montreal Stripp, Isyl
26. Russ Jeffrey, D Reflex de Montréal, Isyl
27. Artturi Hannula, D Montreal Sasquatch, ClemVoiron
28. Drew Cockburn, W Montreal Sasquatch, ClemVoiron
29. Jaromír Papula, The Mighty Oil, D, Msa83
30. Dirk De Jong, The Mighty Oil, W, Msa83
31. Pierre Crosby, The Mighty Oil, G, Easley
32. Kaleb Addison, Les Sanguinaires, W, Easley
Dodoh34 reporté
Dodoh34 reporté
33. Mickaêl Plancke, Bulldogs de Terrebonne,D, Mich
34. Manel Muniella, Bulldogs de Terrebonne, C, Mich

35. Vladimír Bleha W Burnaby Cougars Isyl
36. Stewart Parlour, D The Snatchers Isyl
37. Christopher Plummer, D Montreal Strippers, ClemVoiron
38. Manuele Biagiotti, G Les Sanguinaires, ClemVoiron
39. Valmantas Banketas, Les Sanguinaires, D, Msa83
40. Brad Pemberton, The mighty Oil, C, Msa83
41. Émile Marker, Montreal Strippers, w, Easley
42.Jakob Lepage, Les Sanguinaires, D, Easley
43. Christian Leroux, Shinodas, A, dodoh34
44.Sébastien Robin, Bulldogs de Terrebonne, D, dodoh34
45.Dinis Campos, Biznows, W, Mich
46.Jan Chryzostom Borowy, W, Mich

47. Peter McGee, G The Flying Frenchmen HC,Isyl
48. Maurizio Russo, Def The Polar Bears, Isyl
49. Werner Swinnen, D Mighty Oil, ClemVoiron
50. Gregor Hat, C c, ClemVoiron
51. Jack Romero, Montreal Strippers, D, Msa83
52. Edberto do Vale, Montreal Strippers, W, Msa83
53. Brooks Deacon,Reflex de Montréal,C, Easley
54. Elijah Bolduc, Mighty Oil, W, Easley
55. Moses MacDonnell, G, shinodas, dodoh34
56. Alton Berkley, C, Montreal Sasquatch, dodoh34

57. Viestards Drūmanis, W The Polar Bears,Isyl
58. Leo Youngberg, W The Polar Bears, Isyl
59. Bo Abrahams, W Les Sanguinaires, ClemVoiron
60. Mathew Robert, W Shinodas, ClemVoiron
61. Yves McNeil, GK, Brutal Deluxe, Msa83
62. Ricardo Amaral, D, Montreal Sasquatch, Msa83
63. Derrell DeSutter, Les Sanguinaires, C, Easley
64. Mark Welch, Vancouver Racoons, D, Easley
65. Ryan McManus, D, Vancouver Racoons, dodoh34
66. Ben Marshall, A, Shinodas, dodoh34
67. Cecil Gregg, A, Shinodas, Mich
68. Payton Fry, D, Shinodas, Mich

Właściciel pakietu PRO Francja Isyl

Humm perso j ai mes 12 joueurs il me semble donc que c'est à ceux en retard de "repiocher".


en effet

Tour de rattrappage
7. Easley reporté
8. Easley reporté

23. Mich reporté
24. Mich reporté

33. dodoh34
34. dodoh34


et re-mich lol


Ok ok ok, je rentre et je fais ça. :)


Easley d abord !


MSA a dit que c'est mon tour donc c'est mon tour! :p ;)


1. Tomasz Barzycki, GK The Mighty Oil, Isyl
2. Wojciech Sugier, C , The Mighty Oil, Isyl
3. Noah Tierney, G , Montreal Strippers, ClemVoiron
4. Janosch Alberst, W , The Mighty Oil, ClemVoiron
5. Derrell Zabek, GK, Montreal Sasquatch, Msa83
6. Christoffer Kontiokorpi, W, MontReal Sasquatch, Msa83
7. Easley reporté
8. Easley reporté
9. Brock Anderson, G, Le royal, dodoh34
10. Colten Pannebaker, A, Montreal Sasquatch, dodoh34
11. Seamus O'Neill, G Biznows, Mich
12. Mikko Storr, D, Biznows, Mich

13. Tomasz Maksymiuk, Def Biznows, Isyl
14. Lawrence McGinnis, W Montreal Sasquatch Isyl
15. Lucas Landstrom, C Montreal Strippers ClemVoiron
16. Ognjen Grujic, D Les Sanguinaires ClemVoiron
17. Ludvig Sandberg, C, Montreal Sasquatch
18. Luc Hickey, W, The Mighty Oil, Msa83
19. Alan Dellow, W, Le royal, Easley
20. Wes Hollister, D, Steamers, Easley
21. Clay Morneau, D, The Flying Frenchmen, dodoh34
22. Ejolf Stoss, C, Bulldogs de Terrebonne, dodoh34
23. Mich reporté
24. Mich reporté

25. Armands Sotņikovs C Montreal Stripp, Isyl
26. Russ Jeffrey, D Reflex de Montréal, Isyl
27. Artturi Hannula, D Montreal Sasquatch, ClemVoiron
28. Drew Cockburn, W Montreal Sasquatch, ClemVoiron
29. Jaromír Papula, The Mighty Oil, D, Msa83
30. Dirk De Jong, The Mighty Oil, W, Msa83
31. Pierre Crosby, The Mighty Oil, G, Easley
32. Kaleb Addison, Les Sanguinaires, W, Easley
Dodoh34 reporté
Dodoh34 reporté
33. Mickaêl Plancke, Bulldogs de Terrebonne,D, Mich
34. Manel Muniella, Bulldogs de Terrebonne, C, Mich

35. Vladimír Bleha W Burnaby Cougars Isyl
36. Stewart Parlour, D The Snatchers Isyl
37. Christopher Plummer, D Montreal Strippers, ClemVoiron
38. Manuele Biagiotti, G Les Sanguinaires, ClemVoiron
39. Valmantas Banketas, Les Sanguinaires, D, Msa83
40. Brad Pemberton, The mighty Oil, C, Msa83
41. Émile Marker, Montreal Strippers, w, Easley
42.Jakob Lepage, Les Sanguinaires, D, Easley
43. Christian Leroux, Shinodas, A, dodoh34
44.Sébastien Robin, Bulldogs de Terrebonne, D, dodoh34
45.Dinis Campos, Biznows, W, Mich
46.Jan Chryzostom Borowy, W, Mich

47. Peter McGee, G The Flying Frenchmen HC,Isyl
48. Maurizio Russo, Def The Polar Bears, Isyl
49. Werner Swinnen, D Mighty Oil, ClemVoiron
50. Gregor Hat, C c, ClemVoiron
51. Jack Romero, Montreal Strippers, D, Msa83
52. Edberto do Vale, Montreal Strippers, W, Msa83
53. Brooks Deacon,Reflex de Montréal,C, Easley
54. Elijah Bolduc, Mighty Oil, W, Easley
55. Moses MacDonnell, G, shinodas, dodoh34
56. Alton Berkley, C, Montreal Sasquatch, dodoh34

57. Viestards Drūmanis, W The Polar Bears,Isyl
58. Leo Youngberg, W The Polar Bears, Isyl
59. Bo Abrahams, W Les Sanguinaires, ClemVoiron
60. Mathew Robert, W Shinodas, ClemVoiron
61. Yves McNeil, GK, Brutal Deluxe, Msa83
62. Ricardo Amaral, D, Montreal Sasquatch, Msa83
63. Derrell DeSutter, Les Sanguinaires, C, Easley
64. Mark Welch, Vancouver Racoons, D, Easley
65. Ryan McManus, D, Vancouver Racoons, dodoh34
66. Ben Marshall, A, Shinodas, dodoh34
67. Cecil Gregg, A, Shinodas, Mich
68. Payton Fry, D, Shinodas, Mich


7. Jarrod Etheridge, Vancouver Racoons, G, Easley
8. Austin Bradley, Montreal Sasquatch, D Easley


Donc j'ai:

G. Jarrod Etheridge, Vancouver Racoons
G. Pierre Crosby, The Mighty Oil

D. Austin Bradley, Montreal Sasquatch
D. Mark Welch, Vancouver Racoons
D.Jakob Lepage, Les Sanguinaires
D. Wes Hollister,Steamers

C. Derrell DeSutter, Les Sanguinaires
C. Brooks Deacon,Reflex de Montréal

W. Elijah Bolduc, Mighty Oil
W. Émile Marker, Montreal Strippers
W. Kaleb Addison, Les Sanguinaires
W. Alan Dellow,Le royal

Et pour demain je prend:

G. Pierre Crosby, The Mighty Oil
D.Jakob Lepage, Les Sanguinaires
C. Derrell DeSutter, Les Sanguinaires
C. Brooks Deacon,Reflex de Montréal
W. Alan Dellow,Le royal
W. Kaleb Addison, Les Sanguinaires


non remich mais a a fin puisque t'as raté deux tours :D

Właściciel pakietu PRO Francja ClemVoiron

Compo du soir :

G Noah Tierney (Montreal Strippers)
D Ognjen Grujic (Les Sanguinaires)
D Christopher Plummer (Montreal Strippers)
C Lucas Landstrom (Montreal Strippers)
W Bo Abrahams (Les Sanguinaires)
W Janosch Alberst (The Mighty Oil)


G: O'Neill (Biznows)
D: Storr (Biznows)
D: Plancke (Bulldogs de Terrebonne)
C: Munuiella (Bulldogs de Terrebonne)
W: Campos (Biznows)
W: Borowy (Biznows)


Voici le calendrier



Jour Date
Isyl Score vs Score ClemVoiron
MSA Score vs Score Easley
Dodoh31 Score vs Score Mich
Exempt : Eq. G Pts Diff


Jour Date
ClemVoiron vs MSA
Easley vs Dodoh31
Mich vs Isyl
Exempt :


Jour Date
Isyl vs MSA
Dodoh31 vs ClemVoiron
Mich vs Easley
Exempt :


Jour Date
Easley vs Isyl
ClemVoiron vs Mich
Msa vs Dodoh31
Exempt :


Jour Date
Dodoh31 vs Isyl
ClemVoiron vs Easley
Mich vs MSA



Jour Date
ClemVoiron vs Isyl
Easley vs MSA
Mich vs Dodoh31
Exempt :


Jour Date
MSA vs ClemVoiron
Dodoh34 vs Easley
Isyl vs Mich
Exempt :


Jour Date
MSA vs Isyl
ClemVoiron vs Dodoh31
Easley vs Mich
Exempt :


Jour Date
Isyl vs Easley
Mich vs ClemVoiron
Dodoh34 vs MsA
Exempt :


Jour Date
Isyl vs Dodoh31
Easley vs ClemVoiron
MSA vs Mich

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