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  Temat: U18 Canada National Team

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Amazing result. Great work. Exceptional!

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada Bobby Jay

Great job!!!!!


A++, would recommend to a friend!


Couple of my players for your consideration for U18

Jim Anthrobus

Bill Zeigler

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

Thanks for bringing those players to my attention.

At this point, an 18yo player who would get in the team would need to be around 900 OR.

Your team is getting there. Keep building your training facility and sports academy and it will fill the development gap between your team and top development teams.

With all the teams Canada has lost throughout the years, we badly need our teams to develop a lot of players, so I greatly encourage everyone to build their "development" facilities.


Yup, the number of 19-20yos I've had to delete from the spreadsheet because they were now on bot teams made my heart sink. Some of those prospects were really good! Wish the owners would've given them a chance on the market :/

BTW, in the interest of not taking over an hour updating the ratings of each age, I've established a cutoff for staying on the spreadsheet to 1200 for 20yos, and 1000 for 19s. I think we should have one for 17 and 18yos, too (although it needs to be a bit more forgiving given the CL differences and training speed compensations). 850 for 18, and 625 for 17, maybe? What's your take on it?

(I updated the 19yos this morning. 18 are next on my to-do list. Hoping to be done with the 17s by the end of the weekend, in case you were wondering)

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

That looks good. It is unlikely that a player who starts the season below 850 at 18 will be in a position to help the team throughout the season.

Thanks for keeping your list up to date. Your list and Trader Phil's reports are my two main sources to build my roster every year. Amazing work!

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

A few days more for voting in the elections for managers of each level!


Maybe one of you guys can help me. I managed to futz up another link to a player and cannot find him. Garrett Linigham. 17yo, avg quality of 83. 598 OR as of august 21st this year (so probably not the best prospect ever, but still, 83% is worth scouting, if I could find him). I'm thinking with his position in the sheet, that he was probably in II.4 or II.3. (Also, update to 17yos in progress, I'm almost done!)


I've got another lost soul, Henri Leclerc, 17, was 449 OR in APRIL, avg quality around 77. Come forward to claim your player pl0x? lol


NVM previous 2 posts. As it turns out, it was my spreadsheet bugging up and refusing to give me the correct link for those guys, a few minutes later the links started working again :| Too many players. Which is why I'm cutting some out, lol. Started with 775 for 18 and 650 for 17 (with 1 exception that has been training for 1.8+ a day who may make up ground by the time he's 19-20). Prolly going to go 500 for 16yo when/if I get there XD

So, a few players I noticed should probably be added to the team:
Rory Hitchcock
Alex Iredale
Alexandre MacKinnon
George Hobson
Brennon Hogg

Some more strong considerations:
Shayne Montgomery
Kurt McFarlane

Also, was wondering why Grady Godwin is on the team? His quality is decent, but he's like 3rd string goalie behind Desjardins and Houghton (who is 17!), I don't think he'll play (he's actually under the cutoff). Was that a mis-add?

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

Godwin is a bit of a mis-add yes. I added him for security (if one gets injured), but then figured I prefer King if an injury occurs.. so I meant to take him off, but I can't yet. Maybe because I added him this season. I think I should be able to release him after the elections (I hope).

As for the other player, thanks for the suggestions. I am not done shaping up the roster and I will look carefully at them in the coming days (I just wanted to make sure to have a minimal amount of players to get as many training bonuses as possible)

Właściciel pakietu PRO Kanada SamuelCarrier

Quite a lot of them have been added to the roster. In some cases, they are in my scouting queue and I want a better look before making my decision.

I am weary of 4/6 players, especially when they are 17 years old. They are unlikely to hold up with the best players and they will most likely not have the progression curve necessary to help with U20s and, maybe someday, become part of Canadian's elite.

Now, I know performance at the U18 is important, but unless the player is above his peers, I will go with a guy with higher CL.


The players I suggested are all the the spreadsheet, even if you have not scouted them yet, all their stats are there from my own scouting ;)

Including a column with the average training per day towards the far right. Iredale is doing very good in that department (1.91/day since mid-April).

These guys will likely not make it to senior NT, though, but remember Dangelo Bertrand? He was around 1200-1300 OR at the end of his tenure in the U18 (and 4/6 at 18, don't remember if he was 4/6 at 17), and was top OR in the U20 too (I think 1650 or so by the end). He is now 1951 OR at 22, but CL is on the low end of 3/6 (since he was 20 I believe) so he only trains about 1.25/day (which is still purdy good! On track to be around 2350 at 25).

The team that owns them and qualities is more of a factor than CL. A LOT of players that perform awesome at the U20 level will never play for the senior team.

Reflex has top training facilities, so the only thing I would be wary with those guys is whether they will be sold to a crap team (with someone huge globs of money) mi-way due to the low CL. That's an easy enough fix, though. Ask the owner ;)


Actually better comparison of CL effect:

Eddy Bibby
Alexander Grégoire

They joined my team about 10 days apart (first week of the season draft pick of Grégoire, 2nd week sports academy for Bibby).

Different quality distribution but about the same average. Bibby was probably 100-120 OR lower at the time. Grégoire was immediately called up to the U18 when he was 17, Bibby followed closely but did not play is as many games (friendlies, anyway).

Flashforward to today. Gregoire is in his last season of 3/6 CL at 22. Bibby just went down to CL 4 this season. Bibby is now at 1797 OR, Grégoire 1739. For 80 quality, Bibby just trained for 1.39, Grégoire for 89 Q, trained for 0.86.

It took up until they were almost 21 for Bibby to make up ground for that 100 OR. Now though, he's going to double down over Grégoire a fierce amount.

Bibby being on the longest Cl path will be around 2500 OR by 25. I don't believe he would even make the senior team even at this rate.

Grégoire is done-zo. If he wasn't a U player he would already be sold to another team (but I don't have enough LDs around so I'm hesitating). Yet, he was a staple on both the U18 and U20, playing 12 competitive games at each level.

tl;dr : Cl doesn't really matter for the U18-20.

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