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  Temat: Questions & Answers


Yeah he's a real slave driver, that one. ;)


Who's ur best hockey player? Comments.


Skasowany przez moderatora Deweloper projektu PowerPlay Manager vlady.

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Just thought I would post this again:

Hey guys,
I've asked a few questions in the International Q&A thread but want to get it officially going. I want to come up with some sort of "formula" (if you will) that will model a players drop in CL. I was hoping to get as much info now about players age and CL from as many people as possible. Upon the start of next season, when age increases and CL potentially drops, I would ask for your updated info to start to see the odds.

For example:

17 Year Olds: 40% 6/6, 50% 5/6, 10% 4/6etc.

I know there may be some extenuating influences but for now I was hoping to just get some basics down.

So.... if anyone who wants to help could private message me a breakdown of their players that would be great. I would like it broken down in the form of Age followed by Number of players at each CL. That would be great. I will post any results here for everyone to see.



So I will send you mine still.. but you know you can see that info from checking people's teams, and going to their player page.. shows the ORs, age, CL, avg Q of their players

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Of course. It is a bit of a pain to do it many times. Hence why I was hoping for help from lots of managers rather than doing a couple hours of leg work myself. Lazy? Perhaps. Smart? I think so ;)


I have all 3 seasons with my players CL and AGE who dropped, at what age, CL to Age and Age to CL. Which parts do you want? Do you want the past 2 seasons and this current or just this current? Just don't what to send stuff you don't want.

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Wow. That is sweet. Right now just the current. Then I'll ask again come the start of next season. Thanks.


Here are pics of the AGE/CL sheets, the have formulas to automatically work it out for me.
Hopefully you can read them

Overall including player names

close up of AGE/CL chart


Even if you have high facility levels, can you only have a head person and an assistant in each? If so, if you have more than two staff members in a particular field, does their credentials/skills help out or are you just paying them for being on the staff payroll only?

Thanks in advance.

Osoba blisko związana z zespołem PPM canucks357

Nope. Only the Head and Assistant. The rest are just collecting a paycheck. There are perks to carrying more. But in short... top 2 only contribute.


Soo There is no point of getting that much staff members.


Well, in some cases it is.
With Sports Directors you probably want 2 guys really good in Youth Training, and you want them setup as Head/Assistant on the days when we get Players from the Sports Academy.
Then you want 2 guys really good at Player Training for when you hold Training Camps. The Training bonus you get for training camps will be drastically improved.

The same goes for Managers. YOu want 2 guys really good in Scouting for the majority of the season, then you want two guys really good for marketing when the end of the season comes around and your new sponsorship offers come in.


thats like saying there is no point in having more than 22 players. You can train up reserves for staff spots just the same, so when a guy retires you don't have to scramble. Plus you can sell of extra guys.


Yes, only the top 2 may contribute, but if you're like me you might change them around from time to time depending on what you need. It's not unusual for me to carry 3 staff on facilities. I had 5 coaches a few months back. LOL

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