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  Temat: USA Support Team


A thread for our support team!


All the players of the game can give suggestions, and talk to me on different options that you think might help to promote the game in the United States of America.

Currently our situation is not the best... we are getting new people but at the same time we lose managers (mostly newbies).

Please don't ignore this thread and write suggestions... concerns, and anything you can think about this topic.



As always I am looking for people that are willing to help me in this process and become USA support team Assistants.
I remind that the assistant position is to help to promote the game. Assistants will be getting rewards for well done promotional jobs.


Current Plans: Find as many as possible active fan pages for soccer and hockey teams, and try to promote PPM on their fan pages/forums...

Also, don't forget about Facebook... if you will put a link or some comment about PPM in your status believe me, people will come and check it out... it could be your id in the link or just is more than enough, and also add a comment like: I play this game for a while and I like it a lot.


i got my sister to join so far. haha


:) OK, do you have other relatives:)))???
We need all of them:)))

Jon Bever

Got my brother to play and posted on my facebook (over1,000 friends). I also attend the university of South Carolina, I'll try to find a way to market it there. Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.


At the university try to make a student announce... can you do it?

Jon Bever

one thing that i could look into is getting them to say something on the student radio. they are usually pretty cool about that. ill look to a couple things. there are also a million bulletin boards on campus that i could post a flier.

But printing out fliers and posting then all over campus could cost a little money. Is there any way if i took pictures and proved i advertised it that the Staff would give me pro version for this game for free?


the referral system of this game works in that your may get "credits" for buying pro pack. If you want that for any length of time, you'll have to pay for some credits. I think it was over 30 dollars when converted from Euros.


That would be awesome!!!


Not everything is done for money... If he really would help me with new people I would make him an assistant and he would not have to spend his money...


C'mon guys???
No one is willing to HELP???


i'll try twitter i guess, i don't use facebook. No links, but I've got some issues so I'll do what i can.


I've tried twitter, but It didn't work out for me too well.
I hope it works for you better!

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