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  Temat: Pet Peeves


vandals steal whole sections of seating to sell them on ebay


I seem to remember a PPM rep (vlady I think?) stating a while back that if your maintenance center falls too far behind your top facilities, you'll be paying more for vandals and such. In practice, that seems to work out to a once a month or so, couple hundred thousand payment.


still, staff salaries should not be this high. that's pretty much the only thing that ppm has gotten wrong for both hockey and soccer


But why? I've heard PPMs reasoning, that it's due to the staff's impact on facilities. So why the argument against the staff salaries besides "it's just not right"


Because it doesn't make sense to me. I see a staff have his salary triple or quadruple when his old salary expires, but a player's salary goes up only by, say, 30%.

I wouldn't mind one bit if they lowered the effect staff has on facilities just to lower the salaries as well. If one has 14 staff members (let's say the max allowed) one would pay 10 times more combined salary for them then the combined salary for 40 players, more or less. This is astonishing. And I think players have a more important impact on a team, day-to-day or long term, than staff members do.

The market values of players vs staff is a huge indication of who PPM managers value more. That should raise a red flag that things are wrong. I read their comment about why staff salaries are so high but in my opinion that does not justify them at all.


That's why at most I keep 3 for one position, usually two or fewer.


Well here is my peeve. Paid 20 credits toget into a tournament the tournament didn't have the 256 teams needed for the tournament so they added 107 noname to fill it. How the noname were to the tournament 7 will automatically advance to the next round that stinks. Paid my first noname team at is rink and 160 fans showed up for the game so I made 32,000. If I had palyed a friendly I would have made at least 250,000. This is bankrupting me. I know now not to play tournaments. It is better to pick your oppenents and make some money.


this isnt a petpeeve more like a peeve, but shouldn't active managers be bumped ahead of inactive managers on the waiting list for the newer sports coming? I understand not starting a team on hockey and soccer and stay on the same place on the waiting list but people that logged in once then went inactive forever? active managers should be put in front of them.


It might not matter. I suspect that when they actually add a sport, they will send out an e-mail, and a lot of the people who signed up years ago won't respond, or they will have changed addresses, and everyone else will move up.


But that's the whole point, even if I do move up the first season I have lost out on money for not being in an upper division. People in II get more than people in III. I understand its all the same for 1st season but 2nd season goes based on what 1st season was.


They won't give teams to people who signed up years ago, but who don't actually show up when the sport starts. It is too much work to try and clean up the waiting lists, for little benefit.


thank you


This is the board to rant right? My pet peeve the 1st couple of months being here... people coming in under a minute left and bidding on a player I've been on for a while now. Seems all these other teams have way too much to spend on players. Am I missing something here?


You'll get there. I'm ending up my third season and I am beginning to be able to hang in a lot longer in the bidding.

What I find exasperating is those that wait until UNDER a minute when they're going to bid anyway; it just adds more time for others to get in on the game.


This doesn't work well for trying to bid on relatively cheap players (.5 to 3 million) but if your about to chunk out more than 10 million and find yourself in a bidding war what I do is bid at 58 seconds after the opposition sends in their bid extending the time a minute every time I bid. This either pisses off or dissinterests the opposition and they leave after about the 5th nor 6th time. This doesn't work well for lower bids as there is always someone else that comes along that is willing to pay more.

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