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When is the USA National Team for soccer coming
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Hopefully soon, very excited for international soccer.
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I can't wait also Villegas no matter what would be a starting forward
Sorry about, I thought you guys might be able to see him:
Pos Age ScP AvQ CL Goa Def Mid Off Sho Pas Tec Spe Hea Exp OR PrS
D 16 86 6/6 22 50 32 26 33 30 29 30 29 14 281 L
Pos Age ScP AvQ CL Goa Def Mid Off Sho Pas Tec Spe Hea Exp OR PrS
D 16 86 6/6 22 50 32 26 33 30 29 30 29 14 281 L
I can't speak for the team, but if 50 is his GK atty it's safe to say he wont make it. Gk atty would need to be pushing 200
ohhhh lol my bad, I didn't realize this is soccer thread and not hockey ha! I was like wtf is this guy nuts or what.
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