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  Revista PowerPlay

Season 20 Playoffs Predictions – Canada

Season 20 Playoffs Predictions – Canada

With the 38 games of the regular season behind us, we now have a clear view of what the "real" season looks like. If many teams in the top 8 were expected before the season even starts, some surprises are to be noted. Reflex the Montreal, after short stint in a division II league, has come up strong with a 6th place. But two teams, Stoney Creek Saints and Dinomites (Yeah!) are in the Playoffs for the first time! Congrats to saint2e... and me!

Here are the matchups for the first round:


TMO (1) vs Dinomites (8)

Montreal Sasquatch (2) vs Montreal Strippers (7)

Royal City Redshift (3) vs Reflex de Montreal (6)

Les Sanguinaires (4) vs Stoney Creek Saints (5)


So, how do you think things will pan out? Do you suspect any kind of surprise in the first round?

Feel free to comment. 

Dino (Go, Dinomites, Go !) 

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