Moving On Up - an interview with capsaicin

For the first three seasons of handball, I have succeeded in interviewing the league champion of USA division I. Those interviews have been fun and have provided a view into the personalities, interests, and playing styles of some of the best handball teams in the USA divisions. This month's interview is a look into the world of soccer. However, this interview will be with a winner from a division II league and will discuss the changes with moving to a higher league. For this interview we will visit Firestorm and their owner capsaicin.
I contacted capsaicin to schedule the interview at his home. But, soon found out that a home interview at this time would be impossible. Unfortunately (or fortunately... if chaos is your desired outcome),his home had been recently destroyed by the numerous firestorms and cataclysms that rage throughout his city. Our interview would have to take place at the Yamaha Center (stadium and home of Firestorm). The visit was planned and travel was scheduled, soon I would arrive at a city in turmoil.
As my plane prepared its final approach for the city's airport, I couldn't help but be a little nervous. Looking out my port window, I could see what appeared to be a war tattered city. Several city buildings were currently burning and others appeared destroyed remnants of what once were multimillion, possibly multibillion dollar structures. Occasionally, I spotted what appeared to be balls of fire streaking through the sky and making a fiery impact in distant areas of the city. The landing actually was nothing but normal and the airport terminals was similar to many others throughout the USA.
I grabbed a taxi and off to the stadium I headed. The drive was fairly short. Leaving the airport, I headed past a couple of other sporting arenas. The Puck Accelerator was to my right, just after leaving the airport, and less than a mile later on the left was the Faultline. Approaching the parking lots to the Yamaha Center, I couldn't help but notice a new arena area nearby that I'm certain must be the location for the team's new basketball team, Mutant Atomic Supermen. As we turned into the parking lot, a large explosion occurred in the street behind us, the blast pushed the cab violently forward and it is a miracle that we didn't flip or at least crash into a light fixture or concrete piling. Fortunately the cab survived and I left the cabbie a tip and briskly headed up the steps towards the stadiums main enterance.
Inside the gates, I was met by a young fellow who greeted me and led me towards the owner's box located in the upper levels of seating section A. As we walked, I learned that my guide was actually Donald Murphy, a 18 year old future Firestorm star. He seemed full of energy and potential and quickly led me to the box (side note: Murphy was a player on Team USA U17). "Capsaicin will be here shortly, while you wait, enjoy the view ", the young player turned and away he went, leaving me alone in the box.
The executive box was nice and provided a first class view of the huge stadium. The stadium seats 80,000 fans and is among the largest in the country. The pitch, lighting, & scoreboard were nothing special, when compared to the size of the stadium, but, I was in awe of the sheer size of the facility. Shortly, capsaicin arrived and he was ready to begin.
I'm sorry that you had to wait for me, we have been very busy adjusting to our move to USA Division 1. I don't want to rush this interview, but, do realize that I need to get back to work with the team as soon as possible. So if you don't mind, let's begin...
Capsaicin, I want to thank you for allowing me to visit with you today. I knew that you would be busy and realize that your time is super valuable. So here goes, I will ask you a few warm up questions to get us started. First question, Is there intelligent life in outer space?
Only in inner space.
Which fictional character would you choose to be?
Petyr Baelish.
Let me clarify that question, you mean the guy from Game of Thrones that's kind of slim and somewhat handsome who apparently was born of a minor family but seeks to rise from his status to become a man of power. The guy who has been an advisor to kings and a proprietor for a house of ill repute. The guy whose jobs were given because of his skills in finances and political decisions. The guy whose smarts are only overshadowed by his ambition. The guy who is often underestimated by many and some call him "Littlefinger". Is that the character that you would choose to be?
Do you watch television?
What is your favorite television show?
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Do you have a favorite sport?
What about a favorite athelete?
Talking soccer, who is your favorite soccer player?
Regarding soccer, what is your soccer background?
I used to play and I was a pretty decent keeper.
How did you become a ppm manager?
I was interested in trying a sports manager game and came across PPM.
Which of your PPM teams are you most proud of? Why?
If it counts, I am proud of promoting to division I and very nearly to the top division with the U18 United States National Hockey Team.
Otherwise, I am most proud of my hockey team for having promoted from division III to division I (twice) and for building a solid team despite starting five seasons late.
In soccer, Firestorm was the USA II.3 season 13 season champions and was promoted to USA division I. Your team had a dominating season, losing just one game during the entire season. Describe your most exciting moment during the season.
The most exciting moment was when I took over first from the Nome Icebergs and solidified my hold on first place with my win against them in the second half.
Can you describe your strategy coming into season 14?
I primarily plan to continue to build my infrastructure, primarily the regeneration facility, sports academy, and human resources and economic department. If it seems that I am likely to demote, then I will start to play every game on very high. Also, I will pay close attention to my opponent's formation and adapt my own to them.
This season, how competitive do you feel that your team will be in USA division I?
I didn't think the Firestorm would be very competitive this season at first, but it seems like the Firestorm have a good chance of grabbing 15th-18th place, maybe even 13th or 14th with some luck. It helps that some of my younger players are finally reaching their prime, and that my older players are continuing to improve. There are 12-14 teams that are consistently in the top 14 in league I.1, against the remainder, the Firestorm have a fighting chance.
Who do you feel is the biggest threat to take over as the leader of USA II.3, now that you have been promoted?
The Nome Icebergs are easily the favorite to win this year. They have been a major contender for promotion for quite a while. In addition to having a talented roster, they also have the infrastructure to back it up. The Popes also look like a solid candidate to steal first if the Nome Icebergs falter. An honorable mention goes to the Purple Lotus, which is doing a great job building the infrastructure necessary to support an elite team. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Purple Lotus suddenly become a contender if the team ever decides to divert some money towards free agents. But really after Nome, the division is relatively wide open.
Who do you feel are the stronger teams in USA I.1?
The 1.FC Corona, Boilermakers, and Arlington Betamax are clearly the top three. 1.FC Corona seem to be a half-step ahead of the other 2 though, and the Arlington Betamax have only fairly recently caught up to the top 2. After that, The Fakeballers and Aeromotor Sunshine seem to be a half step behind the top tier. After that, the Bleeding Wildcats, Grisons United, Mouth Breathers, Team USA, Psychos, Phenomenon FC, and Arsenal seem to be relatively consistent top 14 quality teams. Most of these teams have complete or nearly complete stadiums, consistently good sponsors, "big 4 facilities" at or approaching level 15, and a lot of well-trained players with 80+ AVQ and good OR.
If you were to name a most valuable player on your team, who would that be and why?
I would have to choose my keeper, Jeff Leclair. He only gave up 1 goal last season (my backup gave up the other one). He also projects to be the best player relative to his age on my team. He was discovered by my sports academy. He has great qualities, good enough that he might have been a candidate to start for the national team if a team with better facilities at the time.
What strategy has helped you most in becoming successful in soccer?
By focusing on generating money, primarily through my stadium, I've been able to pass other teams that have focused less on generating money. I also make sure to maintain a continuous pipeline of talent, so that as my older players start to become less effective, I have another player ready to take over for him. Last, I have obtained the players necessary to give me flexibility with putting together my lineup.
Do you seek advice from others within the PPM World? If so, who has provided you with the best advice during last season?
Not really, though the articles by canucks357 are always helpful and interesting.
If you were providing advice for a new player, what would you suggest as being the most important step to becoming successful in their league?
In the short run, buy a handful cheaper talented older players (after observing the market to determine what constitutes "cheap" for a particular caliber player and talented relative to the relevant league) to promote to and remain in division 2. In the long run, put all of the remaining money into the training facility, regeneration facility, sports academy, human resources and economic department, and most importantly, the stadium.
Are you planning on playing basketball with PPM? If so, is there a particular feature/thing you look forward to in that sport?
I will be managing the Mutant Atomic Supermen. I am hoping there will be a greater ability to customize tactics and player builds.
Capsaicin, thank you so much for your thoughts and insights into your future plans. Congratulations on moving up to division 1 with the Firestorm and good luck as season 14 continue. I would like to close with one last question. Can you provide a list of things that you believe are important for any team playing PPM to have in order to be successful?
1) Patience
2) Stadium
3) Human Resources and Economic Department
4) Sports Academy
5) Training Facility
6) Regeneration Facility
7) Talent pipeline and knowing when to sell older players as well as elite younger players.
Thanks again, and wish me luck, that I make it back to the airport without facing a firestorm, cataclysm, or mutant atomic superman.
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