What are your plans?

With only a single weekend to party and spend time with family the players headed excitedly straight into a training camp to prepare for the new season. And now with preparations been and gone the new season is upon us and we are back in the thick of it and have just received the first of many sponsor payments. And it is here where we all begin to differ.
Most managers seem to have followed the same general course over the first two seasons. Try and develop your core group of players you began with, while quickly increasing the training and youth school facilities to find and train some new stars and occasionally purchase a new player off the market. The arena has lagged behind with a lot of teams filling their stadiums during the ends portions of the seasons.
From this point on though i see three possible options and I’m sure there will be a large proportion take each one:
1) Continue along the same route as we have been, focussing on facility upgrades and building the arena only when necessary and purchasing off the market only when a bargain is to be had. This is the safe route and will provide good long term benefits. However, for this season unless your already a top team I’m not convinced this will lead to success, in fact its likely if you want short term success the next option is the way to go.
2) Use those large sponsor payments to buy some stars, starting of course with a stud goalie. With a few strategic purchases new life is breathed into a tired roster and those teams your thought you couldn’t beat are within reach, maybe even the cup. Be careful though as your training will start lagging behind those who chose the first course.
3) Look to the arena to provide some benefits by skipping some of the mid range stand levels. Restaurants, Skyboxes and better press centres are those high on the list of wants along with the extra capacity. Maybe even a scoreboard is under consideration. This is the riskiest of the three options but if you have coin to spare those multifunctional stands sure look appealing.
Obviously most will combine a mixture of these with a tendency towards one of them. The question is which one are you tending towards? Where are your all important first couple of sponsor payments going to go? Let us know what your plans are.
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