What will be the next sport?
Hi friends,
you may have noticed rumours that PowerPlay Manager is preparing a new sport management game for you. There has been quite a buzz going on in the forums and everybody would like to know what it will be. We hope that most of you (if not everyone) are looking forward to playing a new sport. You have shown this on our Facebook page, where we had a poll with a question: Which of these sports would you like to play the most?
You had 3 options to choose from: basketball, baseball and volleyball. The poll was a great success and we receive a record number of replies, which pleased us very much. A few days ago, we added a little puzzle on facebook, in which you could have ruled out one of the sports (if you had good eyes, of course). Most of you were able to find out that it was baseball. That means baseball will not be the next sport on PPM.
However, there are two options remaining and they are volleyball and basketball. We will be happy if you join our revealing game, at the end of which, you will find out the name of the sport that will join the PPM family just a few months from now. Just follow our Facebook page and you will be the first to know.
Have fun!

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