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  Assunto: National Team


We are building up chemistry. Chester Holmes is getting a few cycles and were keeping the top 4 above 70-80%




someone went to sleep today...


Match importance killed them. I rather lose like the senior team did then how my U20 team did. Absolute BS


usually the games are played later... uggh


Sorry everyone, I've been insanely busy and forgot to check the settings. We're in a tighter spot than I had hoped (I hoped to be top two in hte group at this time) but we're only 2 pts behing with three games to go. We can still qualify. Again, sorry.

Pessoa próxima à equipe PPM canucks357

Good luck against Slovakia. OAP are cheering on Sherrard!


So was I, tough loss. Lost against one of the best teams in the game by only one goal and still had 7 SW


Hello everyone,
Originally, my idea was to step down from the NT office at the end of last season, and leave in charge tescosamoa, who has been my assistant for the past season and a half and knows the National circuit well. However, he decided not to run for NT manager due to real life commitments. Because of that, I'm running for manager only to train someone as assistant and will step down at the end of season 15.

My goal here is to help the following manager learn the ropes as an assistant, scout and recruit players, rejuvenate the squad, and not make any mistakes due to inexperience which could be costly in the long-run. This is especially important if the next manager is one with little experience at the highest levels of club play.

If you agree that this is the right course, please vote for me. If not, vote for someone else, but please, don't be apathetic to the NT, after all it's OUR National Team, right?

Thank you all for your time,


Great job with the Challenge Cup Final win against Finland!


Just one day till the Intercontinental Cup kicks off. Results can be found here: soccer.powerplaymanager.c... and you can join in the discussion here: ppm.powerplaymanager.com/...

Gamemaster tandem

Hi managers, football WC U17 and WC U20 start on 19.6., but today you can participate in the guessing of 1700 credits. Everything you can find on this site -wc23.fomr.net


Great win in the PPM Challenge. Congrats!


I have added alot of new players to the USA Team. Take a look and see if I am missing any top notch guys or message me if you have someone I should be on the look out for. Cheers!


Hey everyone. The first phase of the National Team reshaping is finished: I've scheduled friendlies for this season and next.

Phase two is the purge, which is underway. There is a ton of dead weight. I've booted a number of 0/6 players who aren't good enough to start or backup. There are a few more who may go depending on some of the players I'm scouting.

Phase three will be building the roster to compete for the next two world cups. I'm scouting about a dozen players from past USA20 teams to see if they've developed well. I'm also going to sprinkle in the best player from each USA20 team just to make sure we don't lose anyone in the future to teams going dormant. It was sad to see how many of our old USA youth studs who are now useless.

In particular, let me know if you have really good (OR either needs to be 2750+ or close to that and at least 2/6) keepers or attackers, where we're really thin. Here are some of the players from USA teams I'm scouting:

Al Copeland
Mario McMahan
Peter McHenry
Jay Avery
Kyle Meador
Amos Boyce
Stacey Trotter

Somewhat younger players I'm considering depending on the makeup of the rest of the team:

Ed Russ
Rodney O'Neil
Joseph Trombley
Bud Arthur
Dennis Post

I'm also scouting several from foreign teams. If anyone is interested in taking over the reigns in a couple of seasons, please let me know and I'll make you ass't.


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