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  PowerPlay Žurnāls

Bids announced

Hello friends,

The bids for hosting the World Championships have been announced. You can read more about them in the PP Magazine. Here is the link to the article:

We will announce the winners on Friday.

Another announcement is more about soccer, but anyone can take part. We have launched a prediction pool for the soccer World Cup. You can predict results of World Cup matches and win attractive prizes. You can sign up for the pool here:

We plan to organize similar pools more often in the future.

We have added an ice surface painting commemorating the World Championship title for Czech Republic.

Many of you have been asking whether we can remove your hockey or soccer team while preserving the other one. The only way to lose a team is by avoiding accessing this team. If you don't access your hockey team for more than 21 days, it will be taken away from you. In soccer this period has temporarily been reduced to 7 days until further notice. PRO pack users have to wait 50 days until their team is removed both in soccer and hockey.

That's all, have a nice day!

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